Ahhh Im Fuming Angry


Fish Fanatic
Jan 28, 2008
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i just went on to this other forum about dogs to try to get a little advice about my poppy and the reply i got was awful insulting me and everything how dare she she dont even know me ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :angry:

this is what i said

is she giving birth soon and hi
hi new to this forum so hellllo

right my cavalier is 9 weeks pregnant tomorrow ish

now please read her story before you make any judgements dont mean to be so forward but it seems that everytime i read someones info on there pregnant dog on the net they get bombarded with abuse so thought i would give you some background info

when i picked her up it was a rescue from a horrible person with a freezing cold barn that she kept her in

so from that took her to vets and they said she was only 5 weeks old and had eumonia really badly and nearly died

luckily she didnt and i nursed her through but from it she now has scarred lungs so operations are a huge risk for her hence why she was not neutered

i did not ever intend on her becoming pregnant

my mum looked after her for me for 4 days whilst i was in hospital and she comes back and a few weeks later ta dar i found out shes pregnant and im not happy about it

so any way back to my original question

she was awake alllll last night nesting and crying and was acting a little strange yesterday laying on the floor and lifting her bum in the air only for 2 minutes or so but still

now as this was unplanned i had no clue so spent all my spare time trying to learn everything i can and i found out about the tempreture thing so when i first found out i took it so i would know her base temp she was 99.? that was 2 weeks ago (dont know if it makes a difference how far in you put the thermometer) but anyways took it this morning and its 97.3 and ideas ?? oh and she has not gone off her food .

sorry for it being such along post


then this lady pipes up with

Personally I don't care why the dog is pregnant....

you should be talking to your vet and not coming to an internet bulletin board full of strangers.

you had 9 weeks to prepare for this and learn, you had at least four to get her spayed before it was to late to do so.

You chose to have these puppies despite all the trauma your dog has already been through and despite her continuing health problems and that was incredibly selfish.
oh what at ****

i don't know anything about dog's pregnancies so can't comment on that but I hardly think that's a helpful attitude to get. sadly a lot of forums are quite hostile like that. :/

she may have a point about talking to a vet, but there was no need to speak to you like that. :/
oh what at ****

i don't know anything about dog's pregnancies so can't comment on that but I hardly think that's a helpful attitude to get. sadly a lot of forums are quite hostile like that. :/

she may have a point about talking to a vet, but there was no need to speak to you like that. :/

thanks miss wiggle i have calmed down abit now lol

i have spoke to the vet and they said see how it progresses i tried to explain it to her after she posted that but she was just so rude i explained to her that just because i was new it didnt mean i didnt know anything and that i was just checking and i kindly explained to her that my grandad was helping me and he worked with dogs for 50+ years lol
it does seem a bit harsh, though not entirely incorrect. its one of the problems with using a public forum.
Hi i run a dog forum and know how it can be some times. I ban people who are that rude, there just no need. Clearly like me you are new to pregancy and after all the help you can get. whether it be from strangers who know more about it. Sometimes they are better then vets as they have been through it before.

hope everything goes well. That women sounds like she needs to remove the pole from up her bottom. Accidents happen and i hope it all goes smoothly. I get loads of abuse as i would love to breed my little dog holly, but people just have a go. Put me off for the time being... maybe one day. :blink:
Hi i run a dog forum and know how it can be some times. I ban people who are that rude, there just no need. Clearly like me you are new to pregancy and after all the help you can get. whether it be from strangers who know more about it. Sometimes they are better then vets as they have been through it before.

hope everything goes well. That women sounds like she needs to remove the pole from up her bottom. Accidents happen and i hope it all goes smoothly. I get loads of abuse as i would love to breed my little dog holly, but people just have a go. Put me off for the time being... maybe one day. :blink:

thank you it means a lot that people understand it has carried on all day now ahh lol im not even going to bother going back now i have had enough

haha and it sounds like its a mighty big pole :good:

you should breed her if you want to i dont see why not you obvliously love her lots and would give her all the cuddles etc that she needed i say go for it ;)

I think that was a really rude response you got there. I've been on another fish forum for years and have never, ever seen anyone be anything but friendly and helpful. But lately I've joined a couple of other (non fish) forums and I couldn't believe how some people are. I think many of them just want to show people how much they know by ragging on 'novices' but not help them in the least. I was also on a dog forum and saw some similar posts to what you got there. imo you did nothing wrong. I had a dog who accidently got pregnant before, I know how it is, and I think you're dealing with it properly :)
I think that was a really rude response you got there. I've been on another fish forum for years and have never, ever seen anyone be anything but friendly and helpful. But lately I've joined a couple of other (non fish) forums and I couldn't believe how some people are. I think many of them just want to show people how much they know by ragging on 'novices' but not help them in the least. I was also on a dog forum and saw some similar posts to what you got there. imo you did nothing wrong. I had a dog who accidently got pregnant before, I know how it is, and I think you're dealing with it properly :)

thankyou i am sooo pleased i am a member of this forum you have all made me feel loads better thanks guys xx
Some of these dog forums are almost militant in their views on breeding. To them, unless you are a member of a breed specific club, with a few years of breed study under your belt, along with an experienced mentor you should not even consider breeding.

I have then seen them come out with comments like "dogs are not like fish that you can just flush down the toilet". Go figure.

Unplanned pregnancies do happen, if you are the sort of person who does their research, has a good vet available, the funds that may be needed if it is a problem pregnancy, and are reasonably sure you have homes for the pups enjoy what you are doing. Some of these dog forums are more concerned with the genetics and testing of the two dogs they plan on breeding than newlyweds are when considering having a child. The breed specific forums are the worst.
If you need any good advice try allexperts.com, i use it from time to time if they don't know the answer they'll do research and let you know and they best part is it's free and run by people who care.
Ah so sorry to read this post, you get morons on websites just looking to upset people. you obviously care as you were asking for advice, hope you keep us all updated on how it goes. and good luck to poppy xx
One thing y'all have to remember is that most dog (and cat) people who act like that, they tend to be a part of the rescue world. They've seen all the crap the world has thrown at them and at the cats and dogs out there. They've heard all the excuses possible. And they've waded through it day after day after day. So when they come across yet another message board question like yours (which, no offense, is exactly like hundreds I, myself, have seen. Seriously, no offense, but those kind of quick, punctuation-missing messages sends my brain into seizures, and that's even without it being related to animals, lol), they can't really help it if they fly off the handle a little. They're just getting sick and tired of tearing themselves apart, day after day, month after month, year after year, all but killing themselves and going broke, without making much of an dent in the big picture (the animal rescue world is a tiring, frustrating one, with a high turnover rate). If they're at their wit's end at some point, stressed to the point of tears, and they read a message about yet another oopsie breeding, well, you get some rude responses. Personally, I don't even hold it against them, because I understand why they lash out like they do, and I focus my disdain on the rude people who have no reason do be.

Seriously, the response you got wasn't nearly as rude as I've seen. It was actually rather polite in an animal-rescue way. She didn't call you names, didn't proclaim you should rehome your dog and get a stuffed animal instead (quite a popular comment), wasn't really rude at all. Just harsh and realistic.
One thing y'all have to remember is that most dog (and cat) people who act like that, they tend to be a part of the rescue world. They've seen all the crap the world has thrown at them and at the cats and dogs out there. They've heard all the excuses possible. And they've waded through it day after day after day. So when they come across yet another message board question like yours (which, no offense, is exactly like hundreds I, myself, have seen. Seriously, no offense, but those kind of quick, punctuation-missing messages sends my brain into seizures, and that's even without it being related to animals, lol), they can't really help it if they fly off the handle a little. They're just getting sick and tired of tearing themselves apart, day after day, month after month, year after year, all but killing themselves and going broke, without making much of an dent in the big picture (the animal rescue world is a tiring, frustrating one, with a high turnover rate). If they're at their wit's end at some point, stressed to the point of tears, and they read a message about yet another oopsie breeding, well, you get some rude responses. Personally, I don't even hold it against them, because I understand why they lash out like they do, and I focus my disdain on the rude people who have no reason do be.

Seriously, the response you got wasn't nearly as rude as I've seen. It was actually rather polite in an animal-rescue way. She didn't call you names, didn't proclaim you should rehome your dog and get a stuffed animal instead (quite a popular comment), wasn't really rude at all. Just harsh and realistic.

actually i didnt ever ask them to reply (no where did i put please reply, urgent or anything like that) to take time out of there lives to do it not asking them to do it day after day etc its there choice to sit at there computer and do it

and actually most of the dogs in rescue are there because of other people not because of me

and you would not hold it against them it was not you they were having a go at was it

and that response was just the first one it did get worse

they dont know me they dont know my dogs so there for do not judge me

i was just getting a little research confirming things i had read or heard they need to chill out and help people not attack if they carry on acting this way there going to put people off dogs and how will they feel then when there the only people around to rescue the dogs
i just went on to this other forum about dogs to try to get a little advice about my poppy and the reply i got was awful insulting me and everything how dare she she dont even know me ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :angry:

this is what i said

is she giving birth soon and hi
hi new to this forum so hellllo

right my cavalier is 9 weeks pregnant tomorrow ish

now please read her story before you make any judgements dont mean to be so forward but it seems that everytime i read someones info on there pregnant dog on the net they get bombarded with abuse so thought i would give you some background info

when i picked her up it was a rescue from a horrible person with a freezing cold barn that she kept her in

so from that took her to vets and they said she was only 5 weeks old and had eumonia really badly and nearly died

luckily she didnt and i nursed her through but from it she now has scarred lungs so operations are a huge risk for her hence why she was not neutered

i did not ever intend on her becoming pregnant

my mum looked after her for me for 4 days whilst i was in hospital and she comes back and a few weeks later ta dar i found out shes pregnant and im not happy about it

so any way back to my original question

she was awake alllll last night nesting and crying and was acting a little strange yesterday laying on the floor and lifting her bum in the air only for 2 minutes or so but still

now as this was unplanned i had no clue so spent all my spare time trying to learn everything i can and i found out about the tempreture thing so when i first found out i took it so i would know her base temp she was 99.? that was 2 weeks ago (dont know if it makes a difference how far in you put the thermometer) but anyways took it this morning and its 97.3 and ideas ?? oh and she has not gone off her food .

sorry for it being such along post


then this lady pipes up with

Personally I don't care why the dog is pregnant....

you should be talking to your vet and not coming to an internet bulletin board full of strangers.

you had 9 weeks to prepare for this and learn, you had at least four to get her spayed before it was to late to do so.

You chose to have these puppies despite all the trauma your dog has already been through and despite her continuing health problems and that was incredibly selfish.
And I agree with what she said! So far all you have done is made excuse after excuse as to why you never got her spayed and allowed her to tget pregnant by some unknown dog, never got a mialliance jab and never got the pregnancy aborted. No doubt if she dies giving birth because she was got by a much larger dog, you will be crying "pity me".

i kindly explained to her that my grandad was helping me and he worked with dogs for 50+ years lol
So you would think that he would have told you not to let the pregnancy continue and to get her spayed wouldn't you?
Pneumonia doesn't cause so much damage that she couldn't have been spayed. I should know, I've had it 3 times. Excuses excuses.
i just went on to this other forum about dogs to try to get a little advice about my poppy and the reply i got was awful insulting me and everything how dare she she dont even know me ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :angry:

this is what i said

is she giving birth soon and hi
hi new to this forum so hellllo

right my cavalier is 9 weeks pregnant tomorrow ish

now please read her story before you make any judgements dont mean to be so forward but it seems that everytime i read someones info on there pregnant dog on the net they get bombarded with abuse so thought i would give you some background info

when i picked her up it was a rescue from a horrible person with a freezing cold barn that she kept her in

so from that took her to vets and they said she was only 5 weeks old and had eumonia really badly and nearly died

luckily she didnt and i nursed her through but from it she now has scarred lungs so operations are a huge risk for her hence why she was not neutered

i did not ever intend on her becoming pregnant

my mum looked after her for me for 4 days whilst i was in hospital and she comes back and a few weeks later ta dar i found out shes pregnant and im not happy about it

so any way back to my original question

she was awake alllll last night nesting and crying and was acting a little strange yesterday laying on the floor and lifting her bum in the air only for 2 minutes or so but still

now as this was unplanned i had no clue so spent all my spare time trying to learn everything i can and i found out about the tempreture thing so when i first found out i took it so i would know her base temp she was 99.? that was 2 weeks ago (dont know if it makes a difference how far in you put the thermometer) but anyways took it this morning and its 97.3 and ideas ?? oh and she has not gone off her food .

sorry for it being such along post


then this lady pipes up with

Personally I don't care why the dog is pregnant....

you should be talking to your vet and not coming to an internet bulletin board full of strangers.

you had 9 weeks to prepare for this and learn, you had at least four to get her spayed before it was to late to do so.

You chose to have these puppies despite all the trauma your dog has already been through and despite her continuing health problems and that was incredibly selfish.
And I agree with what she said! So far all you have done is made excuse after excuse as to why you never got her spayed and allowed her to tget pregnant by some unknown dog, never got a mialliance jab and never got the pregnancy aborted. No doubt if she dies giving birth because she was got by a much larger dog, you will be crying "pity me".

i kindly explained to her that my grandad was helping me and he worked with dogs for 50+ years lol
So you would think that he would have told you not to let the pregnancy continue and to get her spayed wouldn't you?
Pneumonia doesn't cause so much damage that she couldn't have been spayed. I should know, I've had it 3 times. Excuses excuses.
you see, here's the thing. nobody quibbles with the advice given, just the tone in which it was given, echoed by you.

Personally I'd be uncomfortable taking advice from any "dog Expert/ breeder", they show total disregard for the well-being of dogs, imo, more interested in winning " rate my mutant events" ( I think some call them dog shows) than the health and well-being of the dog. recent scientific research underlines the fact that dogs are in genetic decline, caused entirely by Dog breeders and covens like the Kennel Club! now if this is a result of several thousand years of "expert" breeding, why the hell would we listen to any of them?

I read the leader of the kennel Club, says the scientists don't know what they are talking about. which is good, as now he has someone, the same, to talk to.

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