

New Member
Mar 29, 2005
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Fond du lac, wisconsin
okay so if you can remember my beta had ich from my oher post thats treated now suddenly stopped eating and just sitting on his side in the corner its really freakin me out he like tries to get to the top barely makes it back to the bottom but i have had him for a year im not really sure hy he is acting this way there is nothing in the water there are plants to rest on but he rather lay on the bottom.
do a 100% water change and lower his water lvl down to 3-5 inches (enogh that he is completely sunbmerged but shallow enogh that he doesn't have to waste his remaining energy on swimming for air), add an air stone if u dont alredy have one installed, this is for circulation and is manditory if u are treating him with any kind of med. (make sure u dont over dose the med thogh, its tricky in small quantitys of water) iv had bettas do this on me too and it userally ends in death for me. im not exactly sure what it is but the only thing u can do now is add some weak meds like melafix and salt and try to make the situation as less stressful for him as u can. i hope he pulls throgh for ya :thumbs:
okay thank you will do i just got back from drivers ed and he seems to be okay but im off to change his water and keep it lower and add an air stone thank you. :)

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