Ah What Would You Do?

I replied in your post in Fiyero's thread. Copper is definitely what I'm after- I'm looking to strengthen the line I've begun, cleaning out the red wash, etc. Her marble is lovely, so if she's got some solid coppers I'd be keen to see more.
Nooo, of course I can't blame you, he's very good-looking. If you get your money together, go for it! And if you spawn, send me one of their offspring :hey:
teeheee nino, I shall do that :p I'll be just as nice as Synirr if I get 200 like her LOL

gotcha andie
Woah, that male is gorgeous! I'd totally go for it if I were you :hey:
Bwahaha LOL Synirr. So you don't blame me at all... damn I hope Andie wants some fish from her as well LOL
The pics you sent were lovely, but unfortunately the prettiest fish weren't the coppers; the ones included in that sampling aren't quite what I'm after. The gold girl, though was terribly tempting :*)

I can't wait to see what other pics she sends you, because the CTs weren't that asymmetrical at all, really; I just don't want to start a CT line :p

ETA: Oh, and Liv, for future reference, if you do come across a Thai fish that catches your fancy, there aren't any permits required to import them to Canada. This link is very helpful in that regard!
Thanks Andie, but I think with all the shipping costs and stuff, this is way cheaper, still waiting for her reply though :(
I'm looking forward to you hearing from her as well . . . I brought up that import page because I'm wrestling with the decision about purchasing one in Thailand as well, because the shipping for him is actually included in the purchase price, making him far cheaper to obtain than a domestic fish. That's also why I brought up the thought about us getting some sent to a transshipper at some time, lol!

This boy I'm looking at actually looks v much like my Fiyero did, only with shorter fins; just the faintest rosy glow on his anal and caudal fins, with a very clean dorsal (with Fiyero it was more his caudal that was clean, and I'm hoping that will breed back into his babies). The symmetry of this fellow isn't a hundred percent but it's very close, and probably as good as I'll get on my budget, so I'm so tempted. I could always supplement with a cleaner-coloured female to eliminate the last traces of red wash, after all . . . and if this lady has any clean females, I might be very tempted to do just that :*)
I just did- they're beautiful! My word, where does she FIND them?! :drool: What little wash the PKs have is negligible, I think, given that the symmetry isn't bad at all. Looking at my budget realistically, they're probably well above decent :lol:

The bottom ones look a lot like Fiyero :-( I wouldn't mind seeing them flaring, but the PKs are holding most of my interest. How much does she want for them, do you know? Same as your marble?
Aww nashnut that's too bad. Maybe she'll change though, because she is new at this :) But I love the hm's she put on aquabid, very nice but I'm not going to go for them
I was delighted to see she only shipped in Canada, actually :*) It's usually the other way around- people only shipping within the US. I think there are only two or three sellers who ship only to Canada.

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