Ah What Would You Do?


Aug 8, 2005
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Omg, I think I am going crazy. I am so bad. I emailed a seller about this fish and well she emailed me back and is super nice. The fish are really really cheap and very gorgeous. Basically I'm paying for 2, and I get a 3 one free. The two I would buy are very cheap. The problem, shipping. Shipping costs twice as much as the fish and I'm a university student, so I don't really have the money, but I feel that if I don't do it, I'll regret it a lot. I'm not one to buy every fish I see anyway, but these guys are just so nice. And yeah over all it's still a hell of a lot cheaper than getting them sent from Thailand. These ones are 4 months old and have been imported from Thailand already. The male/female could be a future spawn couple, but they aren't spawn siblings. What do you guys think, should I or not? Just looking for opinions. Thanks,

birthday/christmas/holiday present?

like anyone here is going to tell you not to get them...

if you are thinking of spawning them, remember that they are best spawned when young, so if they are already 4 months old, they may be too old for breeding when you are ready/have the money.

good luck! :thumbs:
oh if I were to get them it would be in like 2 weeks, no worries on that one. But I don't know. Us uni students have no money lol.
Hmm . . . I think you and I should set up a shipping syndicate of some kind :shifty: We're not living that far apart . . . if we could find breeders that had fish we both liked, or even 'international' fish from different breeders that would get sent to the same transshipper, we could have them sent to one address and then split the cost of shipping :p
Hmm . . . I think you and I should set up a shipping syndicate of some kind :shifty: We're not living that far apart . . . if we could find breeders that had fish we both liked, or even 'international' fish from different breeders that would get sent to the same transshipper, we could have them sent to one address and then split the cost of shipping :p

That's a pretty good idea Andie. I used to do this with a few friends for music books. We'd all order and then split the shipping. It worked out really well, as long as people pay when they're supposed to. Instead of getting things in 5-10 days with standard shipping, we'd all get overnight and divide it up. That was awesome.
Bwahaha yes we should Andie. Except these guys aren't from thailand, so I got lucky. What do ya'll think? I just can't make up my mind. Any ideas of how to make some cash? I'm selling everything I own basically, like all of my books that nobody wants lol and I make stuff and sell it. I have literally run out of ideas by now :(

Newfishies, I have this other spawn planned right now, which I've been planning for over a month now, and everything is set except my wormie cultures haven't come yet :( So I'm waiting on those. So probably wouldn't spawn them for a while, they are still young. Why?
no worries, i thought it sounded like you were thinking abobut breeding "somewhere down the line" and didn't have solid plans yet. then it would make more sense for you to save the money so that the bettas aren't too old when you are ready to spawn.

that said, although i am all for everyone getting as many bettas as they can handle, maybe you should hold off on buying these guys, and hold onto that extra cash for unexpected expenses with your spawn. ive never bred, but i can only imagine that things crop up! :p

good luck with the decision! any pics of the fish?
Hehe thanks for caring newfishies! I know, I'm crazy about bettas, I have 10 now, but I've sold a few and bought others etc.
I don't have the pics, but the boy is a copper gold marble plakat *drools* (what do you think?) and the girl is a what the woman calls "copper gas", she has like copper with mustard colour, she's super cute. They are just so cheap that I feel like I'd regret it. I already have everything I need for the spawn unless yeah, something terrible happens but I've done my research for a while now and now I'm mainly hoping to get those darn wormies :/
While this goes against the every fibre of my betta-loving body . . . do you think maybe you should wait? Financially, from what you've been saying it might not be the smoothest move. I'll admit, too, that I'm thinking even less of your fry and more of your current position as a student. I'm in the same boat, after all; we know exactly what it means to be at University. Expenses can take all forms (as I found out the hard way this year when my whole hard drive crashed) and with no stable source of income, I know that I do well to watch my pennies. I do, of course, know the lure of a gorgeous, cheap fish (I browse Aquabid with daily devotion, believe me!) but I also know that with the expenses they incur and the expenses of everyday life, we aren't in the best position to add too many too fast.

That said, you know your financial situation better than anybody else, and if you think this pair is something that you can safely risk, then by all means, go for it :thumbs: Just be sure to weigh the "new fish" exhileration against all possible expenses you might be up against in the next couple months. Maybe you could ask a family member to get them for you as a Christmas gift? Or you could just ask for cash- I'm finding that works rather well, myself :p

Whatever way you decide to go, best of luck with your choice :)

(btw, is the marble copper PK the same one listed on Aquabid? The seller is in Canada, and says he was imported from Thailand . . . if that's him, I totally understand why you want him so badly!)
hey andie,
ya huh that would be him, man I just can't get over it. Actually I'm going to student accounts cause I have some left over money from some healthplan thing, so maybe if I get that I'll see further. Definetely hard decision. That's why I didn't just go ahead yet, need to see how everything else works out first :) Thanks for the tips and I know its friggin hard being a student. I find most people around here have so much money to spend on alcohol and whatever every weekend and the only thing I've spent money on are fish, I'd rather spend it on them than that stuff. With that said basically I don't use much money as it is cause I don't have it but maybe if I can get the student account stuff figured out it will work :)
I know exactly what you are going through. I browse aquabid often and a lot of the time there are some great deals... except for the shipping. I have a part-time job but also have school expenses (nothing too major, but still). What I'm doing for now, is waiting on all those beautiful bettas I see on aquabid. I know that I will find others that I like in the future, maybe even more so than the ones I'm drooling over right now. For me, it's better financially. If you can scrape together the money, I'd say go for it, but I think you will always be able to find another betta that you just have to have :)
Yeah true, but I don't think I've ever seen one quite like him. I'm going to wait some more, but I did get money back from my school so that's kind of cool :D I'll see how it goes, but 2 fish this cheap, and third one free with live guarantee is pretty darn good. And it's not that shipping is anything compared to getting them straight from thailand, but I guess it adds up. Yet it's still so cheap cause it comes to 20 dollars per fish, for the 3 of them with shipping and whatever.
Well, let us know what you decide and of course, POST PICTURES! Or give me the link for them, I'm curious what they look like!

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