Ah! Apollon Is Dying!


Fish Fanatic
Jan 28, 2008
Reaction score
Essex, UK
My first fighter, actually my first ever fish, my Red CT Apollon, has just undergone a 3 day blackout because of the blue/green algae in his tank. Unfortunatly it didnt clear up the issue, so i did a complete clean out of his tank, removing him and his little Otto friend. I cleaned the tank, ornaments and heater, and replaced everything, tapsafing the water etc. etc. and released him into the tank.

It was then that i realised that lil' Apollons right fin, which has always been smaller than his left, is clamped to his side and look eaten. His tail is looking really ragged, and as i lifted him from the water in the net, a peice of what i believe is his tail was left in the net!

He's not the most pretty of fish, but he was my first ever fighter, and now i fear he is going to die. I have dosed the tank with Melafix to try and fix the clamped fin, but he isn't swimming right and looks in a sorry way.

Is there anything i can do, or should i just see if he makes it?

Thanks for any help xXx
The fins are very delicate and it would be best if he wasent taken out of the water to avoid extra damage.. i havent had to catch my female yet, but if i do i will try to catch her in a jug, then lift her out

also what did you do with the filter?
i cleaned the casing, but left the sponge in some tank water. But i have just come home to find he is swimming with both fins now...he seems alot happier....just keep my fingers crossed i guess!
i cleaned the casing, but left the sponge in some tank water. But i have just come home to find he is swimming with both fins now...he seems alot happier....just keep my fingers crossed i guess!

That is very good! I am glad your fish is getting better. :fish:

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