agresive angle fish

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Jul 11, 2005
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Hi all i have a very large aquarium with a mixture of live berers and a few other fish i got an angle fish a wile ago and he or she i dont know how to tell the sex? I dont know if you can?? But it grow quite lare and seems to be quite agressive towards the other fish is it just being tertorial or just norty?? Will it kill or hert any of the others?? It hasno't yet but im just a little worried.
Can anyone help or give me some advice?
Fishy regards, Steve. :D
Hi, welcome to TFF.

Please list your tank size, how long it's been set up, the fish you have in there etc..
You will definitely get more help if people know what they are dealing with and with angels you will need the advice!! Angels aren't always the best community fish so let us know what you have!
Sorry im new to all this :*) The tank is about 4 foot by 3 foot and 2 foot deep the fish include the norty angle, guppys platies mollys gorami a couple of stripy fish cant remember what they are of the top of my head? and a couple of mini puffer fish. Its just the gorami and mollys, platies he seems to dislike he dosnt bother the others.
Fishy regards, Steve. ;)
You really can't sex them until they spawn. Angels can be quite territorial when they mature, this aggression is usually directed towards other angels, or fish that look like angels, which means anything with longer fins. Being cichlids, they can get pretty nasty. Yes, they will kill other fish.

That's a pretty good size tank, sounds nice. A tank that size leaves you more options than a smaller tank. I don't know what you have for decorations in there, what I would do is get a good size clean bucket, like a 5 gallon utility bucket, fill it half way with tank water, & put the aggressive angel in there. Rearrange the tank decos, plants. driftwood, rocks & such. This will eliminate any territories. If you have any taller plants, driftwood, or other decos, arrange them in a way that they will form a sort of natural divider. If the angel doesn't see the other fish, he will have a hard time being aggressive towards them. Put the angel back in after redecorating.

I don't know how many of the other fish you have, it sounds like a 90 gallon tank. If it is lightly stocked, you could add more fish to spread the aggression. If you do this, make sure you have adequate filtration, and add new fish a few at a time. If you don't have a small quarintine tank, like a 10 gallon, it may be a good idea to pick one up. It's cheaper than having a new fish spread something to a tank that size, a 90 would need a lot of medication.

Hi all i managed to sort out the problem with the angle my brother was in the prosece of starting up a new tank so i gave the angle to him and got a very small baby one instead so that sorted things out so now the fry that are big anoth have now been released into the main aquarium and are doing well. :D
Fishy regards, steve. ;)
While you're doing your redecorating, you really need to take the puffers out too. They really aren't comunity fish.

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