I have a well-established, apparently healthy 10-year old, 10-gallon tank. It's well-planted and I change out a gallon every two weeks. Current population is 2 4-year old black skirt tetras, a corydora, a small plecostomus and an eight-year old blue gourami. Until yesterday, the gourami looked healthy - active, good appetite, no fin or scale problems, no bloating or shrinking. Last night, without warning (no bells or whistles!) it developed a marked lateral spinal curvature, to the point that it's now nearly s-shaped. No loss of activity, no loss of appetite. Is this possibly just an effect of its advanced age? My daughter's had this fish since she was in kindergarten (she's named it Facebook), but she wants me to put it down if it's "suffering". Since it appears otherwise healthy, I'm reluctant to do so. I think it may be going for a size (6 inches) and age record!! Opinions?