AGH! tank has gone mental after water change!!!


Fish Fanatic
Feb 8, 2005
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I did a partial water change the other day, and topped it up nicely. for about 2 days the water conditions were stable and the fish looked very happy.

however, i tested today after the water smelt funny, i have green strands of algae all over my sand and plants, as if its bloomed overnight! i checked the water with my multi test strip and the nitrate is 250+ the nitrite is also a tad fromt he highest level.

i did wash out my filter, it was being throttled and had no power, so i took the fine filter out, washed it in tank water, and then ONE of my filter compartments, leaving one compartment alone for the bacteria to continue.

any ideas whats gone on? has the chlorine in the water killed the bacteria before my safe water treatment had time to neutralise it?

the readings are high, and i dont know wether i need to sit it out or do something quickly.... i put in more 'cycle' to help things
First thing I would do is test your tap water for nitrates and if ok do a 50% water change to to bring the level down. Are you sure the test strips are acurate and maybe not giving false readings?
if i have kille doff the bacteria by any chance, if i do another water change will i not be back to square one again in a week, or should i just wait it out until it finishes cycling again :/

**hunts for posts on new tank syndrome**
If you have killed off the bacteria and it does go through a cycle then unless you bring the levels down by continual water changes the fish will start to suffer and possible die :/
how can i cycle the tank if im doing water changes?

will this not keep preventing the neccessary cycle? should i not let it cycle and hope they live?
shpuld i remove my plants? they look a little rotten... some of the leaves have died, they were brown when i got them, or had patches of brown, now they are fibrous :unsure:
I wouldn't worry too much about the plants, water changes are a must though with those readings. Keep doing them until the readings stablise, 50% daily if neccessary and you should be OK. If the tank needs to recycle it will, don't worry about that, if you leave it,your fish will die.

Good luck
ok, done a 50%water change, got rid of the rotten plants and now have a nice algae free tank with some now happy fishes in. i will take a reading tomorrow and continue water changes if needed, my piranha likes the new space i have provided him and is swimming around more than ever, plus he's eaten lots which is good.

thanks, i think my worry is over....

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