Aggressive Green Tiger Barb

The OP said barbs, not tiger barbs. Makes a difference.

The OP said "green tiger barbs". I know I am repeating myself but that's what green barbs did to a cory in the pet shop. In the space of 3 minutes I was standing there it was attacked several times and I had to get it out. As you can see they've taken quite a chunk out of its dorsal fin. They've reshaped it's tail too.

>>> Admittedly barbs are fairly aggressive

Direct quote from the OP's post.
I keep both green and tiger and in my experience with them, my green tend to be more aggressive than the tigers, but thats just in my experience.
Maybe I'm just lucky...I have currently a 60 gal with 3 tiger barbs, 5 green tiger barbs, 3 rosey barbs, and red tailed shark , 4 rainbow fish and 2 BN plecos.. I have had no problems as far as agression.. these guys are wayy mellow compared to what I housed before..
Maybe I'm just lucky...I have currently a 60 gal with 3 tiger barbs, 5 green tiger barbs, 3 rosey barbs, and red tailed shark , 4 rainbow fish and 2 BN plecos.. I have had no problems as far as agression.. these guys are wayy mellow compared to what I housed before..

Besides the plecos, you actually don't have anything that would annoy the barbs like wiggling corys going all over the place. More than likely the red tailed shark can start attacking the barbs one day

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