Aggressive Fish


Fish Herder
Dec 23, 2005
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My cousin wnts a highly aggressive fish.he wanted a snakehead but in a previous forum i discouvered they were illegal in the im lookin for a highly aggressive,active,and hungry fish that doesnt need a huge tank.something samller but still willing to eat anything thrown at em.
any fish that might fit my standards?
How big a tank can you get? Exodon tetras are pretty cool, although ive never seen them in real life i have seen crazy feeding videos of them eating. They should be kept in schools and they are pretty much like mini piranahas. They are very aggressive and shouldnt be kept with peaceful fish.
just saw my first exodon the other day.
beuatiful fish.

how big is the tank?
the bigger...the better.

small tanks-bettas. they are extremly aggresive
medium tanks-s.a. cichlids are aggresive as well
large tanks(100+)-gars and soforth rule this area.
not that small suttin a couple inches and will eat a rosie alone
I cant really think of any that would eat a rosy alone besides the illegal snakeheads :X . I wanted one too and then i found out they were illegal! Well exodons would rip a rosy to shreds but one wouldnt eat it by itself.
The smallest tank for Exodons would be a 30 long, in anything smaller they just fight non stop and kill/eat each other until you have just one left and there is no fun in keeping a solitary Exodon.

For a 20 you are going to be pretty limited, you could go for a dwarf pike Cichlid or a sleaper goby such as purple spotted gudgeons both of which are quite snakehead like but i doubt either of these would take a rosey red, guppies are more their prey size.
well i no my cousin can go higher in tank size but nuttin huge unless it was dirt cheap.

isnt there a small breed pirahna or suttin?i think i heard of 1
whate state do you guys live in? pirannas are illegal in most states.
i would kill for some, but they are illegal in most southern 'sunshine' states.
That's cause they'll live quite happily here.
The man made pond where my mom lives had to be drained last year because some kids dumped twelve piranna (sp?) in it-red bellies.

They ate the stomachs out of the ornamental goldfish and caused havoc and mayhem for several weeks before the apartment complex realized what exactly had happened (fish and game was gonna fine them)......
where those bichirs,gouramis,and otstis in with those Non-sociable exos
Yes, bichirs can live with exodons because they have tough ganoid scales, sort of like armor. The other fish shouldnt live with them, as you can see when an exodon swims near one of them they dart into the plants. The plants is probably the only thing keeping them alive and safe from the exodons.

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