Aggressive Fish


New Member
Dec 12, 2005
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I have Red devils and i am lookin for more aggressive fish to start a new tank with can someone tell me some aggressive fish to look in to? I Appreciate the time and effort to help out a Newbie THANKS!!!!!
I have Red devils and i am lookin for more aggressive fish to start a new tank with can someone tell me some aggressive fish to look in to? I Appreciate the time and effort to help out a Newbie THANKS!!!!!

Im a noob 2!

anyways, Ive kept a jack dempsey, a texas cichlid, and a convict with a red devil once in a 125. If you got space, you might wana try:

Managuense- mortaguense- texas cichlid- convict- dovii (a risk)- Jack dempsey (another risk)- odo
I have Red devils and i am lookin for more aggressive fish to start a new tank with can someone tell me some aggressive fish to look in to? I Appreciate the time and effort to help out a Newbie THANKS!!!!!

Im a noob 2!

anyways, Ive kept a jack dempsey, a texas cichlid, and a convict with a red devil once in a 125. If you got space, you might wana try:

Managuense- mortaguense- texas cichlid- convict- dovii (a risk)- Jack dempsey (another risk)- odo
Ikeep seeing "convict " what kind of fish is that? and are they easy to get

I have Red devils and i am lookin for more aggressive fish to start a new tank with can someone tell me some aggressive fish to look in to? I Appreciate the time and effort to help out a Newbie THANKS!!!!!

Im a noob 2!

anyways, Ive kept a jack dempsey, a texas cichlid, and a convict with a red devil once in a 125. If you got space, you might wana try:

Managuense- mortaguense- texas cichlid- convict- dovii (a risk)- Jack dempsey (another risk)- odo
Ikeep seeing "convict " what kind of fish is that? and are they easy to get
a convict is a very cheap scrappy black striped cichlid unless you manage to get the pink convicts. Both are the same speicies and can inter breed.

Cons can hold there own against an oscar or green terror twice his size. amazing aint it?
i am lookin for more aggressive fish to start a new tank
Knowing what size of tank we're looking at can be very helpful.
I want just a single fish. Don't want to overcrowed my tank.
In a 20g tank you could keep a convict, or a jewel cichlid.......... they both don't get TOO large... but a 20g isn't very big so you're very limited.
With an agressive cichlid for a 20g long you're pretty limited, would you consider a different type of fish altogether?
The thing is, cichlids aren't so much aggressive as very territorial, and you won't see aggression keeping just one anyway so there's no point to limiting your options to 'aggressive' fish.
Why do you wnt an aggressive fish?

Firstly, you are not likely to notice any aggression if it is the only fish in the tank, unless you plan to occasionally throw in fish for it to beat on, and I hope this is not the case...

Secondly, most any cichlid will display some form of acression in the right circumstnaces. Even a lot of the dwarf south american cichlids when spawning get feisty.

Would it not be more satisfying to try and keep a pair of dwarfs in a tank that size and perhaps get them to breed? In a tank that size you could easily have a couple of apistos with some other dither fish...

Although, if you have your heart set on an "aggressive" fish, there are always the dwarf pike cichlids...
quote:Cons can hold there own against an oscar or green terror twice his size. amazing aint it?

i put a big con and jack in with my pike cichlid and the pike whooped em both had to take em out or they would have been killed
20 G is fine for a pair of convicts theyre wicked, full of character! Get convicts

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