aggressive dannios

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Sep 20, 2004
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Dayton, Ohio
hello i need some help
so far i have 3 adult longfin leopord danios, 3 female guppies and i had 2 male guppies and 4 cories. it is a 29 gal tank and the water chemicals are still normally balanced. but my danios are relentless in their attack of all the fish :dunno: but the cories. i had a glofish danio but it was killing the guppies so i gave it to a friend who keeps larger fish and she is fine there :D . but now the remaining danios are bitting tails chasing and killing the male guppies :-( this morning the older male got killed in a matter of hours. and now the last little male is swimming strangly. what can i do to save the other fish? should i remove the danios? any suggestions will help.
I'm pretty new to the forums too, but i suggest that maybe you should put up a divider in your tank for now. As i've been reading around, it seems like if you seclude the agressive fish for a while then they tend to loose their agressiveness. So i don't know, maybe try to seclude the fish/es or move them to another tank for now because its no fun watching them kill other fish :)
The danios should be kept in groups of six or more. That way they spread out aggression amongst themselves.

Perhaps some hiding places for the other fish as well.

:hi: to the forum. I see you haven't introduced yourself in the newbie section. Please tell us a little about yourself. :D
Danios are a very aggressive fish if not kept in larger groups, as Tempestuousfury has stated 6 wolud be better as then they will keep their aggression on eachother more than on the other tank occupants.
Also guppies are not the best tankmates for danios unless you have a lot of danios. I have some guppies with around 20 danios and I have not had a problem, I did when I had only 6 danios and 6 guppies in one tank.

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