Aggressive Chinese Algae Eater Help

I'm not sure of the growth rate of CAE, as I've never been unlucky enough to have one, but most fish would grow at around an inch a month; there aren't many that are significantly slower, although they do tend to slow down a bit later; say over eight inches or so.
thanks i'll just ask one more question just to be a pain,how elusive are they as ive not seen him since last night and there's not much hiding places that are out of sight thanks

he's dead, turns out some time last night he squeezed frough a gap for the filter wires and i just found him dried up and dead thanks for anyhelp guys.
im really bumed out by this thanks again

I am not surprised you found him like that. I removed my guy from the big tank and put him temporily in a 10g tank. He is 5" long now. He was really angry about being in there. For a straight hour he went up and banged the cover on that tank. I thought he would of broke something after that. It was quit a noise.
I agree with you, That is the one fish I totally hate now. I have never said that about any fish before. They are a piece of work that is for sure. If I don't find a home for him soon he is going to see the koi pond for sure.
yeah in the lid there are 2 separate lights and ive just noticed hes smashed one and put a massive crack in the lid i feel horrible
about it but i think i might get a pleco next,but i was really fond of the little guy and i sense i might run it this type of fish next thanks for all the help

I have one i had problems with. He stayed in my goldfish pond all summer and put him back in my 125gal after i upgraded from my 55 and not seeing any problems yet. I like him for his cleaning and personality but i cant have him beating up other fish in the tank. Keeping my fingers crossed that the 8"comets showed him up. I have him in a tank with my bgk, clown loaches skirted tetra, torpedo barbs and a bn and clown pleco. Guees we will see soon! Sucks trying to catch them. Very very fast!!! At least you dont have to worry about it anymore... Only good side i guess. Sorry for your loss
i'd get him out mate mine was with goldfish and upon closerr inspection one of them has no scales on one side



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