After Large Shrimp


Dec 1, 2009
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Newcastle Upon Tyne
I'm a newbie to shrimp but I'm interested in having large shrimp to live in a 4ft planted tank with fish (rainbows & Corys)

I appreciate that rainbows get to a good size so was thinking Bamboo shrimp or something similar in size. Does anyone have any suggestions?

I know bamboo shrimp are fan feeders but do they eat various algae like other shrimp?

Many thanks, Kevin
African filter shrimp grow relatively large, potentially up to 6". Don't know much else about them though, so not sure on compatability etc.
I'm a newbie to shrimp but I'm interested in having large shrimp to live in a 4ft planted tank with fish (rainbows & Corys)

I appreciate that rainbows get to a good size so was thinking Bamboo shrimp or something similar in size. Does anyone have any suggestions?

I know bamboo shrimp are fan feeders but do they eat various algae like other shrimp?

Many thanks, Kevin

the African filter/Vampire/Armoured shrimp mentioned are fine community shrimp. though you will need to ensure you have no aggressive fish in there. they also like a planted tank. and well planted at that.
providing a filter with good flow (that's flow not outlet speed) they will thrive.

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