After 4 Years I Have A Problem

Get more severums! A breeding pair of severums wont claim a whole 100 gallon tank
I just bought a baby severum but it's going to be months or a year before I add him to the 100gal he is less then an inch. I love severums .
I hear its notoriously hard to pair severums as they can take up to a year to choose mates. I currently own one red streaked severum, I got him at an inch he's now nearing 5 inches :)
Well things are back to normal nip is stressed out again. I am so bummed . What to do? I might call some fish stores in Sac and see if anyone has some big severums and get a 3rd fish.
This might be worth a try, all this came about after you lost the other Urau didnt it?
Danios and Khuli loaches are your best bet. If you've ever wanted a Wile .E Coyote v.s. Roadrunner scenario Khuli's are your fish. Danios are SUPER fast and school together very well. I can't recommend a better dither fish. I have a Jackie Dempsey who doesn't get along with my Convict Barry Sanders at all -he has amazing evasion technique but without all that crazy awesome movement above and below they would just focus on each other. She doesn't even chase them anymore she's content to watch the movement.  I have a male guppy in the tank that's been there for a month, in the past he would've lasted 15 seconds- I have achieved a balance of sorts in that nobody gets picked on individually too much.
Make sure that if you do get Danio's or Khuli's- that you get a whole bunch of them they're happiest in groups.
I am so sad. Nip is still alive but barely.  He stopped eating 2 days ago. I feel so bad I should have gotten rid of the Uaru he caused too much stress to Nip. Nip was old I got him when he was 1" back in Sep 2009. I read people having severums for 10 years.  
I never cried over a fish lose but I am really upset about this. When I first saw him not doing well I should have done more. I should have gotten rid of the Uaru that was bullying him. I should have kept him in the hospital tank longer.
The death of this fish makes me want to give away the rest of the fish I have in this tank and sell it. I always said I would break this tank down if Nip died. What to do. I am over big cichlids. 
Sorry to hear. But so goes life. Give it some time and enjoy your other fish. I had a pair of green Severums when I was a kid in a 55 gallon tank. They breed. Was really cool. Really helped get me into aquariums and tropical fish. They are cool fish. As I recall these fish lived for at least 6 years.
It's such a bummer . The uaru is about the same age and going strong. I am thinking I will sell the tank when the uaru dies. No more big cichlids for me.
I get the same wobble everytime I loose a big fish. This month for some unknown reason I have lost 2 of my Belem Severums, both were massive, no marks no bullying no reason for it, although I do not know how old they are.
Aww really sorry to hear that - with big cichlids its always tough to know whats best to do for them, even in solitary confinement some manage to injure themselves. I think I mentioned it earlier in the thread that I had a big loss of a Choc and some Geophagus and since then I have stuck to my older residents and added a school of cupids, I did have a group of larger cichlids (Lateacara Thayeri) until 2 of them spawned and then they had to go as well! I think Im happy with my current residents now, though I want a school of nice tetras and some more whiptails :)
I did something crazy today. I have these goldfish one common feeder fish one fancy double tail. Both I have had for a while now they were in my planted 80 gal but they did a number on my plants so I got angry and stuck them in a 10 Gal. I can not bring myself to give them back to the store where they will be abused of killed.
SO today I put them in the 100 Gal with my Uaru and a school of LARGE Silver dollars. Yup Crazy I know but things are going well. The Uaru spooked them a little they swam away and now the Uaru does not care about them.
I have my baby Nip with the missing Gill plate growing out on the 80 gal. When he is ready to move to the 100 Gal I will find the Uaru a new home.  Baby nip is growing FAST now. Baby Nip was living with the goldfish in the 80 gal they got along well. 
his good side. 

His deformed side. 
Urau are funny devils, my two have a love hate relationship with each other, and the loony rainbow cichlid that lives with them. One thing I did learn is Urau have ruddy sharp teeth, they are the only fish I have been bitten by that has drawn blood badly.
star4 said:
Urau are funny devils, my two have a love hate relationship with each other, and the loony rainbow cichlid that lives with them. One thing I did learn is Urau have ruddy sharp teeth, they are the only fish I have been bitten by that has drawn blood badly.
Yeah I have some wood in the tank with him and there are bite marks on the wood. My Uaru bite the eye off one of my silver dollars when I first got them when they were 2" . Now they are 5" almost 6"and can handle him better now. I think my silver dollars are my new fav big fish. They are so mellow, shinny, school well, and fun to watch.  
Turns out the Uaru was not the problem. My delhezi bichir was going for the Goldfish hunting them I thought they would be big enough at 3" and the Delhezi is maybe 5". So I look the gold fish out and put them back in their tank I will have to do something with them give them up is all I can think of. Or make a goldfish pound outside.  That would be awesome. Maybe I will do that. 

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