Afrincan Scratch


New Member
Oct 21, 2005
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ok I have notice for a few weeks now some of my african cichlids kinda scratching on the gravel and some one slate rock now the might be trying to get some food. I have not noticed and white ich spots so is there any problem I should worry about.

temp 78
amm 0
nitrite 0
nitrate 20 today is the normal water change so should come down
ph 8.0-.2
Sounds like you have a parasite i would turn temp up to 30, what do the gills look like do they look any differrent, and laboured breathing, do they look like they have been sprinkled in salt, have you added and new fish or plants lately.
Sounds like you have a parasite i would turn temp up to 30, what do the gills look like do they look any differrent, and laboured breathing, do they look like they have been sprinkled in salt, have you added and new fish or plants lately.

ok temp 30 c and no I have looked hard at the gills and see nothing on them or laboured breathing. All are very active and eating great. no signs of the sprinkled salt look either. No I have never seen ick in any of my freshwater tanks but have seen it in one of my salt tanks before so I preety confident i would notice it. so I raise my temp should I treat the tank with medication as a precautionary action. Or does that sound as stuipd to you as it does to me
There are many parasites it best to only treat a tank when you no which parasite it is, are the gills pale or red and inflamed as you can get gill flukes and skin flukes, are they flicking alot, and did you notice them flicking after a water change as sometimes they do this.
There are many parasites it best to only treat a tank when you no which parasite it is, are the gills pale or red and inflamed as you can get gill flukes and skin flukes, are they flicking alot, and did you notice them flicking after a water change as sometimes they do this.

well last night I noticed no scratching and all gills looked normal but i noticed on two fish some possible signs of ick but the were digging through the sub. for food. I am thinking of treating for ick to be safe what do you think wilder
There are many parasites it best to only treat a tank when you no which parasite it is, are the gills pale or red and inflamed as you can get gill flukes and skin flukes, are they flicking alot, and did you notice them flicking after a water change as sometimes they do this.

well last night I noticed no scratching and all gills looked normal but i noticed on two fish some possible signs of ick but the were digging through the sub. for food. I am thinking of treating for ick to be safe what do you think wilder
sorry to butt in but I think you will be fine treating your tank for ich now. Probably better to catch it now than let it get a hold.

I had the same problem in my Malawi tank a while back (a few of the fish flicking and scratching etc). Added Ich treatment immediately and followed the course through.

had no problems since so I think I was lucky and nipped it in the bud :thumbs: .

Don't forget to a partial water change and, if you are able, add carbon to your filter for a few days after treatment has finished to remove the meds.

Yes if you noticed whitespot go in with the med, good luck.
Yes if you noticed whitespot go in with the med, good luck.

ok I used quickcure last night one question I have is in the directions it says to dispose of the carbon in the filtration now I use 2 emp as part of my filtrations and the pads have carbon but is it true that after a few days the carbon is exhausted and not working any ways. I didt want to dispose of the 4 pads all at once. Since the carbon is alreayd a few weeks old
Remove all the carbon and throw it away.
Remove all the carbon and throw it away.

well when I treated the tank last night I left the filter pads with the built in carbon in since the carbon was exhausted but you think I should of thrown it out which I will do you then think I need to redose . if you believe the old carbon has the abiltiy to remove the med
I wouldn't redose as if the carbon has stopped working you will end up over dosing, then if the carbon is in it could be removing the meds, i would remove the black carbon and you will have to wait till the next round of treatment.

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