I had posted before on my African 3 lined glass cats acting strangely… last night, while running new air lines , I think I figured out why… turns out, that tank has one of the heaters I hate that don’t have a hole to hang the controller, and the sticky stuff is never good enough to hold them up, and I’ve had several fall off, and end up submerged… this one was stuck on the wall, when it fell, beside the tank, and naturally draped there numbers towards the wall… last night, I noticed, it had come unplugged… not sure how long it had been like that, but when I plugged it in, the tank was as 70 degrees… by this morning, it was 76 degrees, and normal temperature tonight, today the cats look normal, and the tetras look frisky… heater gets changed out, with one that has a positive hang hole, and since the controller didn’t fall in the tank, and it still works… it’ll be put in my back up heaters ( note to self… pay attention to those cats )