African Pike


Fish Fanatic
Feb 23, 2006
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Not sure if this is the right section, but was size tank will an african pike need? I would also like to know of any compatible species. Thanks anyone that helps.
Not sure if this is the right section, but was size tank will an african pike need? I would also like to know of any compatible species. Thanks anyone that helps.

I have NO experience with this fish, I'm just quotiung what I've read.

It is a Characin, but not a common one, so I'd say it was an oldball :D

depending on the species they normally grow to around 15" but some grow bigger , a Tank of 75Gallon (48"x18") has been suggested on one link I found. but I think I would personally go for a big tank, maybe 100gallon or more, but as I said I dont know much about these fish. :/

here is a link I found on one of the species, this one grows to 28"

This fish doesn't seem to be suited to the home aquarium, unless you have a massive tank, apparently according to some sites I read.

There isn't much information on the net about them as they seem to be primarily a sport fish.

hopes this helped some what
What exactly do you want to know?

Hepsetus odoe can grow to nearly 2 feet in the wild but captive specimins seldom seem to grow bigger than 10". They are VERY aggressive and will attack and most likely kill any similar looking fish, their large serated teeth are perfect for dismantling any fish that is unfortunate enough to be on the recieving end of a angry pike, keep them singularly or in groups of 5 or more, less and they will kill each other, catfish and non classic fish shaped oddballs are usually ok as tankmates.
They are easier to feed than most of the "pike/baracuda" type Characins and will usually accept dead food from the start, but they are still quite nervous and will crash around the tank if startled so a tank of at least 5x2x2 (150g) is needed for adults and prefferably bigger.
Well at this point I'm still saving up for a larger tank, I'm going for about a 360g. Thanks for the info CFC and Studz.

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