African Or South American?

I would go with africans. Here are some real good looking African's:
This Peacock is soooooooo SEXY!

My fav fish( not my username!)

That is one sexy Yellow Lab Cichlid!

Do i hear Brichardi?

Thta is just a taste on Africans though! But i do have to give SA their props though. Those LOVELY DIscus, or those BEAUTIFUL Angels, or those FABULOUS Apistogramma Cacaucodes( spelling?). But i definatley go with the AFRICANS!
South American cichlids are a lot more personable in my opinion. I've always like the coloration and body shape of them more.
africans here as well, going to have 3 running soon.
Brichardi are stunning fish when there in great condition but can be a bit funny when it comes to sexy time :lol:
I suppose what it really comes down to is would you prefer a lush planted aquarium with natural wood or a marine like feel with sand, crushed corals and plenty of rockworks and caves.

My personal preference would be a few dwarf SA cichids such as apistos and rams, along with a few dithers.

What are the dimensions of the tank?

Not really sure what the dimensions of the tank are. It is just a standard 55 US gallon tank. It's longer than tall.

I don't really like live planted aquariums because it's too much trouble but I do like the sound of rocks and caves. I also don't have much luck with german rams. I currently have 2 bolivians that have been living forever in my 30 gallon. and one lonely angel haha.

Both African and American cichlids are stunning, beautiful fish. Which ever you choose, you have the potential to make a very impressive set-up.

It totally depends on your own opinion on what you like, and what you want. Also, what you can get hold off lol... Have a look around, there's plenty of pictures. Have a look on Cichlid-Forum. Also, the pinned topic 'Members Tank Pics' on both African and American sections. See if any take your fancy....

I keep Afrcians, i love them and wouldn't change for any other fish. I noticed someone mentioned 'they lack personality' .... trust me, thats soooooooo not true lol. A fully stocked African set-up is never boring.

You cant get anymore colourful than Afrcain Lake Malawi Cichlids without going Marine. Especially the Peacocks which can be stunning in colour. For your tank size, Lake Malawi Cichlids would be ideal. A little on the small side for Tropheus or Frontosa though which are also beautiful Afrcian fish.

Godd luck with which ever you choose :good:

I'll have to disagree there, there are some real jewels of cichlids from SA, agreed africans in general will have more colour compared to SA in general but just to show that you don't have to go african for colour:




There just 3 fish, not to mention the tetras which would add colour if you chose SA, then the forrests of green with the plants.

Yes, I know I choose good examples of the fish but they do look stunning.

wow what is that second fish?! i love it! and where do you find a ram with fins like that, it's beautiful!
The middle fish is a green terror, you can pick one of those up at your lfs. The long finned rams are also seen in some lfs, mine had two today.
Not so much from my experience. They are territorial no doubt, and semi-aggressive. I've seen them defenseless against Oscars and Central American cichlids. If want a good South American cichlid, check out apistogrammas. They are very colorful and peaceful. That's what that last fish is in the picture. As far as aggressive goes though, African Cichlids are very aggressive and you need to pay close attention as to how you introduce new fish. For instance if you bring a new African Cichlid home one day after your tank has been established, you will have to rearrange the rocks and decorations as to create new territories. I know it sound weird trying to confuse your fish this way, but its the best way to introduce your new African. It allows the new guy a chance at claiming his territoy.
I would say africans...Here's some more:

pseudotropheus crabrp

pundamilia nyererei

metriaclima greshakei

cynotilapia afra "cobue"

aulonocara sp. "german red"

pseudotropheus acei

But what it REALLY depends on is your personal preference. :D Either way I'm sure your tank will be fun and exciting after it's set up! :nod:
Totally depends on what you want. Each type of tank has its merrits.

If I had to choose I would go SA, have a couple of apistos, a nice group of cories and a big group of tetras. I think I don't like africans due to me not liking the look of rocks in aquariums, much prefer bogwood and plants personally.

wow, thats exaclty what i was going to say!

South American cichlids are a lot more personable in my opinion. I've always like the coloration and body shape of them more.
all africans want to do is eat, where as s.a. will learn feeding times, beg for food, play with ping pong balls, and do all sorts of other things.
Very cool. I definitely like the different color varieties of the africans. Althought I have also seen the personalities of the SAs and I love those too. I may just do african just for a change of scenary since I've kept rams and angels for awhile. Might be nice to do something different.

I looked at the pages with members tanks and I've got to say I'm very impressed with most of the african tanks! SA needs to work on those pictures a little more!! lol.

Anyway thanks for the help!! If there's any other pics of fish anyone else would like to add to help me out that'd be great!

Very cool. I definitely like the different color varieties of the africans. Althought I have also seen the personalities of the SAs and I love those too. I may just do african just for a change of scenary since I've kept rams and angels for awhile. Might be nice to do something different.

I looked at the pages with members tanks and I've got to say I'm very impressed with most of the african tanks! SA needs to work on those pictures a little more!! lol.

Anyway thanks for the help!! If there's any other pics of fish anyone else would like to add to help me out that'd be great!

I realize you made the disclaimer, but that fish is in the top 1% of its species.

Anyways, The average African will still have intense coloration, will be easier to find and (and at least around here...cheaper) than something like a cockatoo. Plus you can stock more.

I've kept both and absolutely love Africans. I have a soft spot for Rams and Apistos, and will have rams again soon in my secondary tank. However, Africans have been by far the most rewarding fish I have kept in terms of excitement, color, and personality.....

With a 55g I'd probably do some of the tamer species, like Labidochromis and some of the zebras. I'd steer clear of kenyis, melanochromis genus, and bumblebees etc. actinic looks cool :shifty:
Here aresome more pics of different african cichlids, look forward to seeing you over on the dark side mwahahaha


Pseudotropheus demasoni (one of my favourites)


C.afra (come in lots of different colour morphs depending on which beach in malawi they were found

there are lots of different stocking options so research it in depth, some species are only good in larger than 70g tanks, like lombardois and arautus (violent nature)
I'd steer clear of kenyis, melanochromis genus, and bumblebees etc.
What others are the more aggressive? I don't really know the difference between them. I just assumed they were all aggressive. I want to make sure I don't have a massacre on my hands :crazy:
I can tell you from all my research that Labidochromis Caeruleus "yellow lab, or electric yellow",
Iodotropheus sprengerae "rusty", Metriaclima greshakei "ice blue"(said to be more aggressive towards males of his species than anything), Pseudotropheus sp. Acei "yellow tail" could generally be considered to be less aggressive than other species. Of course, there are some differences among individual fish. You could always do research and then try some and if one particular fish starts "beating up" the other fish(not the occassional chase, but actually battling" then return it to the pet store(first make sure your lfs will take a fish back if something liket that should occur). All these cichlids I mentioned are malawi mbuna.

This is a really good place to start research. This is one of the profiles. It tells all about them and is really handy:
Scientific Name: "Gold Peacock Hybrid"


Geo. Origin: Aquarium-created species

Habitat: Intermediate Zone

Diet: Carnivore

Gender Differences: Dimorphic

Breeding: Maternal Mouthbrooder

Temperament: Peaceful

Conspecific Temperament: Mildly Aggressive

Maximum Size: 5"

Temperature: 78 - 82°F

pH: 7.8 - 8.6

Water Hardness: Hard

Here's something to look at. It's members African Tanks!!! They are pretty awsome and there's a few tanks your size and could help give you ideas!

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