African Filter Shrimp


That crs is very pretty.

Cheers for the flash advice, I'll have to try that with the inbuilt flash. I have no hotshoe, but I'm working out a fun and rather fiddly solution for an off-camera flash :).
Sorry for the delay!

Thanks for the compliment Gobymaster, yeah it’s just stoked with four species of shrimp. The tank is easy maintenance with slow growth, I set it up over a year ago only it needs moss clipping every now and then.

Thanks Veil92 yeah happy shrimp.

Thanks again three-fingers, yeah it’s a lot of moss. I keep the better looking crs and trade the ones with less white for shop credit at the lfs. You must share some pics with us with or without the flash :) .

Here a few pics of new shrimp pretty new to the hobby and still only wild caught ones are available, they have a separate tank as they need different water conditions. A lot of them in the lfs died two of the species they imported didn’t make it at all, so I wasn’t going to get them but thought I would give them a try. Three days after getting them all of one species seems to have made it while a couple of the beautiful little harlequins have died, a couple are looking good rummaging about. The harlequins are much smaller than cherries or crystal reds, still big enough to see easily.

Harlequins first one is full size I think, second is young and doesnt have the blue spots yet.



this one is called dark maroon, I think, some of them look darker than this.


These ones I dont know what they are they are not from Sulawesi, (iSnail should you see this I think they are the same as yours)



That crs is very pretty.

Cheers for the flash advice, I'll have to try that with the inbuilt flash. I have no hotshoe, but I'm working out a fun and rather fiddly solution for an off-camera flash :).

Do you know of anywhere up in edinburgh to get something a bit more varied than just normal armano shrimp?
Very nice, Liam. I've seen those maroon shrimp on another forum and I thought they were great. Those harlequins are something else, though. :drool:
Do you know of anywhere up in edinburgh to get something a bit more varied than just normal armano shrimp?
On Saturdays I work in 'aquacadabra', in the past we've had in red nose shrimp and Macrobrachium assamensis, and very often get in the larger Macrobrachium species and filter shrimp.
I quite fancy some CRS bee shrimp or at least cherry shrimp myself for when I set a tank up during the summer, so if your interested I'll check the ordering list to see what's available next time I'm in :).

Liam, all I can say to those shrimp is "WOW" :drool: :drool: . I've seen these on the net on a few forums and on youtube - but seeing this quality of photographs of them is amazing, thanks so much for sharing. Which lfs do you go to?
The LFS that I got my CRS from has got some African Filter Shrimp at the moment, only small ones, about 2" long. It is mighty tempting, i don't think my tank is quite ready for them yet so I just have to hope nobody local reads this and buys them! If they are still there in July then they will be mine :p

Those Sulawesi look amazing, I would love some of those guys. If the the CRS breeding keeps going well i'm planning to get some with the profits.
These ones I dont know what they are they are not from Sulawesi, (iSnail should you see this I think they are the same as yours)



Beautiful shrimp pictures Liam!! Have you set up another tank just for them? I've been reading about these new shrimps and still very surprised that they have made it in the UK since we are a little slow on the shrimp front :lol: Do you think the Harlequin is the same shrimp mentioned on PFK website a couple of years ago??

And your orange shrimps look exactly like mine when I first bought them. Mine have changed to more darker colour. They have "darker" days and "brighter" days. I think I have two males so maybe you can tell me if they will breed like cherries sooner than I can find females for mine :lol:

Edit: forgot to ask, is that Egeria Najas or densa you have in that first orange shrimp picture?
Robert, I have bought some shrimp online and they arrived alive and in good condition so that’s an option.

Yeah Veil these shrimp are something else the photos don’t even do them justice the antennae on the maroon shrimp is very white and they have cool orange circles on their tails.

Thanks Invader the harlequins are stunning little critters,

Yeah three-fingers these shrimp are very WOW, I am a shrimp addict but these are simply beautiful little guys. has good pics of these and other fantastic looking shrimp from the same lakes, the cool thing is that there are lots of different species from these connected lakes none of whom would hybridise so they can all live together. I got them in Wholesale Tropicals in Bethnal Green, my favourite London shop, they carry lots of nano fish and critters. Thanks for the compliment on the photos, the funny thing about taking pics of these is that as soon as you come close they crouch down and stay motionless for defence as in the first harlequin pic, so they are sitting targets for the camera. They seem quite wild in that way but if you move slowly they continue about their business.

Hi Shrimper. I think they should work in your tank you would just have to feed them a few times a week, very small amounts of shrimp pellets or crab food soft and wet dropped straight into the fans keep mine going. The crystal reds and snails would eat up any that gets blown around the tank, it’s a good way to get food to the babies I think. The Sulawesi look from what I have read to be fairly easy to keep so as they breed in aquariums they should become cheap, they babies seem to be doing well in peoples tanks already from forum reports. They should be easier to keep than CRS as there is no weakness caused by selective breeding. Hopefully the wild populations can be left alone soon.

Yeah lilfishie stunning is the word. Thanks.

Thanks iSnaill, the fish have moved into their more spacious summer accommodation in the garden, so the shrimp have a 30 gallon, I had to take out the wood as it was still leaching acids, plus I put some nitrate eating weeds and some volcanic rock for hiding and more surface for micro food. Yeah that’s the same species it doesn’t need the sponge to live it seems, anywhere with diatoms and micro food seem fine for them. They were eating nettles today so I don’t think feeding them is a problem.
When I got the orange shrimp I thought I would get three orange and three darker looking ones for mixed sexes in case they breed in fresh water. The next day I had four dark ones another day they were all orange. It seems they are from Sulawesi after all but not from the lakes. From a French website they say they are called Caridina cf. propinqua that they breed like amanos. They swim very like ghost shrimp or the rednoses. All mine are female in the first photo the saddle is very clear and all of them seem to have saddles. I have them in with the new shrimp but the temperature is too warm for them so I will move them out and put them with the cherries. They are very nice looking shrimp either way. The plant is Hydrilla Verticiliata, its smaller than E. Densa/Elodea and can grow well at 27C that these shrimp need. As I still cant get p.m. send me an email if you want any, it grows like a weed.


Night colours, the tank light was off so I used a flash to see them in their pyjamas.

how long are your filter shrimp? I was sold one that looks exactly like the first pictures as a bamboo Shrimp....
Love the shrimp in pyjama pics :wub: The little pincers look like mini boxing gloves :lol: You should start a new thread just for these Sulawesi shrimps pictures. Do you mind telling us what kind of price range these shrimps are sold for currently?

What kind of nettles (stinging or dead nettle?) do you feed your shrimps Liam? Do you boil it first? Sorry about all these questions :blush: I want to give it a try too.

The Hydrilla Verticillata close-up looks nice. I'm always drawn to weedy plants :lol:

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