African Dwarf Frogs


New Member
Apr 7, 2009
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Liverpool, England
Hi, I'm new to this site and completely new to keeping dwarf frogs, I have 3 frogs which i got yesterday in a 30 Litre tank, I was advised to have a filter and a heater in the tank. I'm a little bit concerned as this morning one of my frogs was wrapped around the heater, he seemed fine and started to swim ok but I'm worried about it doing harm to his skin. I've also got quite a few decorations in the tank which I think I might have to remove if my frogs grow quite big.

I was also advised to feed them once a day and the man in the pet shop gave me ant eggs and said to give them a pinch of that a day, has anyone else done this? I'm also giving them bloodworm.

If anyone can give me any advice about keeping frogs I would be grateful, I don't have anyother fish in the tank and I dont intend to keep any in the future

x Lou x :look:
This was posted in the Species section and no seen by anyone. I am bumping it back to the top so the op can get the info they need.
30l is fine for 3 ADF's, is it not?

Anyways, bloodworms -- always a favourite for them. I have not tried the egg idea, though.
And, for the heater issue? Is it like, wedged between the heater and the tank's sides/front/back? as in it's squished against both of the objects? (in this case, the tank's sides and the heater.
Yep 3 in 30g is fine, you could have a couple more if you wanted.

The filter is fine, so long as its not causing bad vibrations or too much flow, as they dont like these at all.

So long has there is enough room for them to get around the heater, Im sure its fine, he was probably just resting there, they find some funny places to zone out sometimes. If it was hurting him, he would have moved, the tank only needs to be 24c at most, so I doubt the heater was on enough to cause any damage.

Never heard of ant eggs as foods, but if thats what they were eating inthe shop, you can continue to give it to them. Mine feed mainly on bloodworms and some mystis shrimp (frozen) which they get every other day, I dont feed them daily as they dont really need it and mine are as fat as piggies :lol:

They only grow to an inch or so, so dont worry about them outgrowing the tank.
Also, females will grow larger, just incase if you think one has a disease.

yeah, i learned the hard way. :hyper:

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