Fish Crazy
I picked up on this before in another thread, after reading a post on another forum (specifically for Pipid's) but has anyone else noticed how fragile African Dwarf Frogs (Hymenochirus sp) can be?
Ive bought four of them this year already, and despite my best efforts, and keeping them in species specific tanks, they have all died, even the larger ones that I thought would have a much better chance. I also keep several other species of Pipid's (X. laevis albino, X.l poweri, X. muelleri and two Silurana species, all of which are doing great, and growing well, my four X. laevis albino are all adults, and have spawned in the past) I'll be getting more species very soon as well, I'd also really like to keep more Hymenochirus, but arent sure if buying anymore would be worth it? do any members on here breed them? as I would think captive raised ones by fishkeepers would be in a much better condition than the farmed ones on Asian fish farms?. Whenever they have them in stock in my lfs, they are very small, and under nourished, is this the same throughout the UK (and other countries?)
Ive bought four of them this year already, and despite my best efforts, and keeping them in species specific tanks, they have all died, even the larger ones that I thought would have a much better chance. I also keep several other species of Pipid's (X. laevis albino, X.l poweri, X. muelleri and two Silurana species, all of which are doing great, and growing well, my four X. laevis albino are all adults, and have spawned in the past) I'll be getting more species very soon as well, I'd also really like to keep more Hymenochirus, but arent sure if buying anymore would be worth it? do any members on here breed them? as I would think captive raised ones by fishkeepers would be in a much better condition than the farmed ones on Asian fish farms?. Whenever they have them in stock in my lfs, they are very small, and under nourished, is this the same throughout the UK (and other countries?)