African Dwarf Frogs?


Jul 18, 2005
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i have 1 male betta 1 algea eater an a buncha plants in a 10gal tank an i was wondering if it would be safe for a African Dwarf frog, i meen ive done some reading and so far from what i can tell it should be good as long as i dont get a clawed frog by accadent but any ways i was just wondering if any one has done this. im not asking for LUCKY get aways where you kept it but your betta scared the piss out of it so much is always hid...i like happy pets :D any ways thx for the help...if you do help...if you dont help...thx for the not help :D :D

lol ive been w/o internet but its all good now :D got a new lap top an some one made fun of me for having a betta. they were like "why do you always pay so much attention to that fish" an i just walk up to the tank an they did an Cal did nothing then i walk up an Cal starts flipping out! :D an the were like " damn " ...i dont know what ill do when Cal dies...but i will get a white one just like cal thats for sure!!! :p

Edit: it is probibly that Cal is so use to some one wearing white that feeds big on the color white :p
pond of plants no. put some grass carp in there this summer an its like...frickin empty!...oh well so much for for the step bro 6 MORE MONTHS!!!!!!!...!!!!!

Yep, dwarf frogs will go well with bettas. Like you said, make sure you don't get clawed, just dwarf. Also make sure your 'algae eater' isn't a common pleco or similar. They get gigantic. For a 10G, a species of tiny pleco, cories, or otos should be the only 'algae eaters' because they stay small.

Try figuring out what species you have that eats algae because the term algae eater is VERY broad and vague :)
Why,do you not have a digital camera? If so you can do what I do is take the pics then finish the roll of film and when you get it developed have them to put the pictures on a CD that can have pictures saved to it or a floppy disc then upload it to and then post the link on here and we can look at it.
does walmart do that ... cuz we dont have some fancy photo shop...just walmart...

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