African Dwarf Frogs

Well i have my two in a 2.5gallon tank on their own with sand and plants, mopani wood and a heater and sponge filter. They need at least a gallon of water per frog, they need live or frozen food, they won't touch flake or pellets, i feed mine every other day, they are quite messy so i do a 50% water change once a week. It is recommended you keep them on sand or large gravel as they lunge at their food and could choke on bite size gravel. They also need a lid as they are good at escaping and don't last long out of water.

I wouldn't recommend them in a community tank as they would starve unless you are willing to drop the food right in front of them, some people keep them with bettas and as they eat the same foods this is probably fine depending on the temprament of the fish. Another downside to community tanks is internal filters, they could easily break a little frogs leg. Here is a good site you can also google them and find out loads of info. Male frogs sing but i think i have a male and a female and mine haven't sung yet.

Hope this helps

Just as an extra pointer, they will eat flakes and pellots, it simply depends on the frog and whether or not they try it.
Mine eat brine shrimp pellots, (among many other foods)
After they've been in the water for a few minutes they break apart and thats when my ADF come by and clean up the mess.
I feed mine stapled food that goes right to the bottom.
I'm wondering though, if I wanted to move some in a new tank, would I need to cycle a tank? It will just be 1 or 2 gallons without a heater or a filter. Would I just be able to put one in, where they breathe air? I heard too that they don't need real live plants, so I keep mine with fake and theyare doing good but I'm just curious if you can just put them in a new tank after letting it sit a few days. Sry not to hijack the thread!

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