African Dwarf Frogs tankmates


New Member
Apr 6, 2004
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can these guys get along? i have two fancy goldfish a oranda and a fantail. they're about 2 inches big a piece. i really want a african dwarf frog, but can i? will the goldfish attack it? if anyone has any experiance in this please let me know.
I didn't want to answer this question because I answered this exat same question not three days ago (that or my computer froze it happens to me so often I cant remember when it does). For now yes but soon no like in 2 months (asuming you are not a bad aquarist who dwarfs there fish). Gold fish eat everything and an adf leg would make a tasty treat for a gold fish Frog it would grow large enough to eat more of the frog and eventualy it would be able to eat the whole frog. If your frog made it this far Id say you were overfeeding your tank! now fancies grow to 10" if you are not evil and thats big enought to be good tank mates with an african clawed frog. now you cant get the ACF just yet it may grow to fast and eat a goldfish I would sugest that you hold off for a few months till your goldfish are 4" each and then get an ACF or even an albino ACF if you are a total wierdo (J/K :D )


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