African Dwarf Frogs And Amano Shrimp


Fish Crazy
Aug 17, 2006
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Hey all, just though i'd share some pictures of our african dwarf frogs in the 10 gallon tank and Amano Shrimp in the 30 gallon.

First up are the Afriwcan Dwarf frogs, we've had the big one for almost a year now and the small one we got yesterday :) . Both are looking festively plump from feeding on bloodwworms and brine shrimp


This pic. is a little distorted, but it shows the amazing size difference. The small one is about 1/4 the size of the full grown :blink:

And these amano shrimp pictures are just funny, over the last month the shrimp have become EXTREMELY outgoing and will stand their ground against cory cats and loaches to get food off of the bottom of the tank.
Who said amano shrimp only eat algae :D


asked this question in 2 forums now. So cory's work well shrimp and won't eat them or anything? Seems to be the case since from what i understand you keep amano shrimp in with your cory's.
yes, cories are generally quite peaceful. Our coriesand shrimp do fine with each other.
Amano shrimp cant breed in freshwater anyway, so neons eating the babies wouldn't be a problem. There are shrimp that can breed in freshwater, but the baby shrimp will be eaten by any fish.
The lifespan of an amano shrimp in captivity is about a year :)
good pics.
Those frogs look very healthy.
cleared ou one thing i was wondering about. definitely Miss piggy's foggy eyes are not just a natural trait I'd previosly overlooked, now I wonder if she's aging, sick, or just thinking about shedding skin or something. I think I read that they do that sometimes. Their hands don't look arthritic like hers either.
what is wrong with her eyes, are they cloudy or something?

And yes, ADFs do shed their skin and it can be quite scary if you aren't expecting it and you turn the tank on. Looks like their skin is falling off :S

How old is your frog?
Just a question. I have a 10 gallon tank, 6 neon's and 5 cory's, 2 small ghost shrimp.

Would a ADF be too much, or would they be little waste producers like the shrimp are, or do ADF's like to be kept more then one. If they need like more then one to be happy then i won't get any.

I just happened to spy some at my LFS.
The are happier in groups, but our origional ADF did fine on his own.

However, your tank already sounds quite stocked so I wouldn't suggest adding one :/
what is wrong with her eyes, are they cloudy or something?

And yes, ADFs do shed their skin and it can be quite scary if you aren't expecting it and you turn the tank on. Looks like their skin is falling off :S

How old is your frog?

Yes, I just noticed recently that her eyes look cloudy and her hands look arthritic because they are always curled and the knuckles are big and lumpy. I supose those could both have something to do with molting. I think I've had her less than a year, but not by much. Her appetite seems fine and she has been out in the open more than usual lately. i actually started a topic on her before i looked at this one.
I snapped a few more pictures to share, first couple are them at feeding time. The second one is our Betta fish stealing bloodworm from them :D the frogs look at him like he's insane when he does it.




If anyone has pictures to share of these guys post 'em up!

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