african dwarf frog


New Member
Apr 24, 2004
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hi im thinking of getting an african dwarf frog but i dont realy know alot about them are they easy to care for ,what do they eat what fish can they live with would it be ok in my 22 gal
any information would be great :rolleyes:
African Dwarf Frogs are great! They are very easy to take care of. They can get along with any community fish, goldfish, even Bettas! So they would be fine in your tank. They eat Frog pellets or Betta pellets. They are very active and entertaining when by themselves. But they like to hide a lot when they're with other fish. I have had lots of luck with them in a little Betta tank in my dorm room. If you decide to buy one, make sure you get an African DWARF Frog not an African CLAWED frog(They grow to be big and vicious).
ADF's could prove to be a pain to feed though...the way their eyes are makes it hard for them to see and find food so you might have to get frozen foods and than use a turkey baster and drop it right infront of them. other than that they are great
Hi fishxrule! :)

African Dwarf Frogs are great little pets. :thumbs:

Click on the link in my signature to learn a lot about them. :D

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