African Dwarf Frog - Advice Please!


New Member
May 30, 2008
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Hey guys,
I have an ADF in quite a small tank and I think he is great! I am a little concerned he may be lonely as he is all on his own in there. I had 4 Tetra Neons for a few months then added Frogun (my ADF) and after a week all the Neons died. I dont think he hurt them as he is tiny (about 1.5cm from head to bum) and never went near them at all! I am quite happy to have a fishless tank as I love Frogun but should I get him a little froggy friend? Also we have had him for about 3 months now and he doesn't seem to have grown at all. I know ADFs have quite poor eyesight and feed him on a mixture of flakes, mini pellets, live & dried bloodworm but he rarely seems to eat anything. Another thing is his skin seems to have changed colour, he was dark green when we got him and now he seems to be a very pale greeny-grey colour. Is that normal? Should I get him a mate and should I be concerned about him not growing or him change in colour? I really like him and would be pretty gutted if he died so any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks, Jules X
It could of been possible that the ADF had brought in a disease. Did you cycle the tank? Any signs of disease? They are very slow growers. Feed him every few days, just before lights go out, they use their sense of smell and they also prefer it at night where they feel safe. Get him a mate if you wish, it might bring him out but they are nocturnal creatures.

Good luck.

this is a godd site that i used to refer too.

Check out for 'red leg' as this can be quite common amongst frogs.
Yes I did cycle the tank, I also thought it seemed likely that he brought in a disease but surely if it was still in the tank he would be dead by now? I think I'll get him a mate. I had heard that they grow slowly but I never see him eat! I used to have a light on during the day but now I don't use it as I thought he'd prefer it better in the dark. Thank you for the link, I will check it out!
Jules X
he may be immune to it/ lived with it so he is used to it, some animals are more sensitive. It could of been neon tetra disease which any tetras are supcebtible too.
So I'm not to worry that he is so small and eating very little? I have seen him eat some, just not much. I will try to find a mate who is also v.small, I don't want Frogun to be scared in his own home!
Jules X
yes, aslong as his stomach doesnt go inwards like he is starved, he will be fine. It is better as a frog only tank, he wil not be as scared and there will still be food left over for him!
Yeah I decided to keep in frog only after the fish died! I really hope he is ok. He is not very active. Are there any particular things that frogs like in their tanks? As maybe he is bored. I have a little plant and a cave but that is all. I heard they like bubbles, any idea if that is true? Thanks so much for your help!
Jules X
dont know! I had 2 in a 20g stocked with fish including a large plec. They used to hide a lot and evntuall 1 died of starvation. The other went to the shop as i feared the same would happen. They really liked frozen bloodworn though.
i had two African Dwarf fogs (albino) in my main 125L tank with other fish, one died so i got him two other friends. All happy as can be, however if your frog isnt interested in food much there must be something wrong, Frogs are always on the scrounge for food, mine have even eaten 8 of my tetras!! but settled down now. They are fine alone but its always good to have a friend ( same size ) They are not scared of fish you could still add afew more fish in there if you decide.

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