African Clawed Frogs


New Member
Mar 22, 2008
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I just bought a african Clawed Frog yeserday hes 1 1/2 inch (yes i measured him :rolleyes: ) for now lets call him "Bob". Ive had formor experience with them ( only now, i bought a brown one before i had albinos). My question is, how can i convert "Bob" from blackworms to pellets? My albinos ate floating ones immideatly after getting them.

(I have very bad spelling)
I just bought a african Clawed Frog yeserday hes 1 1/2 inch (yes i measured him :rolleyes: ) for now lets call him "Bob". Ive had formor experience with them ( only now, i bought a brown one before i had albinos). My question is, how can i convert "Bob" from blackworms to pellets? My albinos ate floating ones immideatly after getting them.

(I have very bad spelling)

i think its down to the Frog. some will take flake/pellets, some wont. as far as i can tell, its just sheer luck.
but if i like mix in a few pellets in the worms they might eat it right? I mean they just shove food in their mouths anyways.
I just bought a african Clawed Frog yeserday hes 1 1/2 inch (yes i measured him :rolleyes: ) for now lets call him "Bob". Ive had formor experience with them ( only now, i bought a brown one before i had albinos). My question is, how can i convert "Bob" from blackworms to pellets? My albinos ate floating ones immideatly after getting them.

(I have very bad spelling)

Are you sure this new one is african clawed frog and not a dwarf african clawed frog? If its a clawed then it should learn to eat pellets when it gets hungry enough. Dwarf ones are a lot harded to feed and dont tend to come to the surface to feed. They tend to prefer frozen blood/black worms but may eat snall grain sinking pellets.
thing is i noticed that dwarf frogs have a distinctive pattern from clawed. And mine dosent have any patterns so is that also a difference in dwarf and clawed? sad thing is, i would be overjoyed if its a dwarf. (It means i can feed them less) is there another way to identify them. I DON"T have a magnify glass so dont tel me to look at their front hands. Plus if you never seen a non albino clawed from click right over for the best fish and critters site on earthIts the best site there is for information. Click on the link Now!!!!!!!!!
African clawed frogs can be brown,white,piebald, or even a golden color. Check Google for various colors. post a pic of your frog that is the easiest way for us to tell.

IMO blackworms are better than pellets. Variety is best, and ACF eat sinking pellets,frozen brine shrimp, blackworms,bloodworms, and when full grown small earthworms and tiny fish.
Even when very small you should be able to tell a dwarf from a brown clawed. Viewed from about the dwarfs have really skinny legs(and this doesnt really change) and the claweds will already look pretty chubby.
yes but blackworms cost more than pellets.
yes but blackworms cost more than pellets.

I dont know your money situation so mabye thats why you want pellets, but if it was me I would spend a little more to ensure my pet gets the best nutrition since they cant go shopping for themselves.
Hi cokers :)

I suggest that you feed your frog meaty foods at least some of the time. The least expensive way I've found to do it is to buy the frozen bloodworms in the slab packaging instead of the cubes. It will easily break into bits if you hold the package up and hit it with something like a big serving spoon. Then you can just defrost the amount you need. I buy the one pound slab for $9.99 at the lfs. They have smaller slabs available too.

If you feed pellets, buy a good quality one. Drop them, one at a time, in front of him. If it gets within his field of vision he should jump and grab it.
i droped some right in front of him/her. It even bounced on its head and rolleddown his head and right on his eyes! hes like blind or really slow
Hi cokers :)

Give it a bit of practice for both of you. It might be that he isn't seeing it. Or, perhaps he just has to learn that it's food.

If you do give the pellets, be sure to keep the bottom clean. Some of them tend to soften and break up and then you could have a mess building up in the gravel. You might even want to clear the area where you drop his food, at least until you see how this is going to work. :D
Another bit of advice, try to feed at night, this is when they seem to be most actively hunting. When i had mine there was no gravel on the bottom of the tank so mine found there food easily, but even with gravel most find the food very quickly.

Is your frog ill perhaps?

Here is another site on ACF care and it gives a huge list of all the foods they can eat and the info is more accurate than the other site you listed. It cant hurt to look. [URL=""][/URL]
My ACF was the size of an ADF when I got him, but he was VERY easy to tell apart from the ADFs. He was much more aggressive, and his little hands were very clearly not webbed.

It took him a few days and a few tries to understand that pellets were food. I tried shrimp pellets, but he wouldn't eat them, and something about the water at school made them grow mold like crazy even within the first half hour or so. So I switched to Reptomin sticks until I moved back home, and now he gets Reptomin, the shrimp pellets, frozen baby krill, and frozen bloodworms depending on the day.

It took my clawed frog almost a week to start eating the pellets, and you likely won't see them eating at all at first. I had to start feeding mine right before bed and turn the lights off before he'd eat. Now that he's bigger, he eats whenever there's food in front of him, lights off or not.

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