African Clawed Frogs.


Jul 18, 2005
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i have a adf in a well planted 5gal with ghost shrimp an ALOTS of plants an i was thinking about getting a african clawed frog an was wondering the tank size an how much should be covered in plants or not so much or what? pics would be cool to :D
arrgh no :eek: the african clawed frog is a vicious predator and will eat its tankmates it also grows big and needs a bigger tank
An ACF, for a while, could be fine in a 5gallon tank but he will eventually need at least a 10 gallon and even larger would be nice. No tankmates except other ACFs of the same size and plants are probably a waste of time since they like to dig up everything.
ah i spose ill get acouple more adf but i have an extra 20gal but i dont really know, i talked to some ppl an they said i prolly wouldnt like it in the long run.
ah i spose ill get acouple more adf but i have an extra 20gal but i dont really know, i talked to some ppl an they said i prolly wouldnt like it in the long run.

Since you have a 20gallon, I would reccomend some Clawed Frogs for it, they, IMHO, are much more rewarding than ADFS since you can watch them grow and seem to live much longer.
i went to walmart with my step bro today an they had some albino claw was tiny, the other 3 were...about an inch an a half long(only counting body) an they keep them in them tiny betta sad.
Im no good with these Gallon sizes :*) but i keep my ACfs in a 3ft tank and i have bred them a few times and i would never put any other living thing in with them because they would either swallow them whole or have a good try at swallowing them :rolleyes:

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