African Cichlid Tank


Fish Fanatic
May 16, 2012
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After pondering a Amazon River Biotope for a few weeks, I've decided to wait on it until I get the 125 Gallon. I still have an empty 55 Gallon. The dimensions are 48 X 12 X 20. It is cycled and has been running a few months with an African Leaf Fish, Pleco, Rosy Barbs, and a school of Ghost Catfish. I'd really like to do an African Biotope on this one. The main reason is the "Powder Blue Cichlid". I saw one at my LFS and he was really eye-catching.

Here's the main fish I want in there:

Labidochromis caeruleus(Yellow)
Pseudotropheus socolofi
Melanochromis johannii
Pseudotropheus Acei (Msuli)

With that being said, how many of each should I get, and is there any other fish I should/can add? I also will need a bottom feeder. I've been looking at synodontis, any suggestions on which ones to get? Also, will my Leaf Fish be fine in the cichlid tank(he grows to about 6" and is current around 2"ish)?

Thanks for all the help and hopefully after a little help from you guys I can start my 55 Gallon African Biotope Journal.

Note: Yes, I know I posted this in the African Cichlid section, but I read on a different topic that I should post it again here as it is much more active then the African Cichlid Section. Hopefully this doesn't break any of the rules! Thanks again guys :)
Also with those tank dimensions, how many pounds of sand should I get to cover 1" or less of the bottom of the tank. Sorry for all the questions, I'm very new to cichlids and sand substrate.

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