African Cichlid Tank


Sleepy Chook
Dec 13, 2003
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Sleeping Somewhere. Or doing water changes. Or run
I recently bought my first african cichlids for my 75gal tank....other fish I plan on having are Aulonocara (one spp) and Pseudotropheus...

Would it be possible to have some clown loaches as well? Would the cichlids be too aggressive for them?

Any comments would be much appreciated!!
Clown loaches can look after themselves and should be OK from that point of view. The water requirements however are quite different, Cichlids prefer a higher Ph to Clown Loach. If your Ph is around 7.3-7.5 you might be OK as this is the min level for the Cichlids and the max for the CL's
thecichlidaddict said:
Clown loaches are fine with africans, and I've seen them do well in water with a PH of 8.
:eek: I have a pH of 8 and two clown loaches, I've only had them a fortnight and they seem fine, but would it be advisable to bring the pH down? If so, how do I do that?
I myself would be more worried about mixing mbuna with open water haps and peacocks, for one they should get different food, and another problem I see for you is in my experience most mbuna will shred up your peacocks fins. I have kept yellow labs and a couple other labidochromis species with peacocks, but I always mixed in some spirulina flake for the mbuna. :D
I have a pH of 8 and two clown loaches, I've only had them a fortnight and they seem fine, but would it be advisable to bring the pH down? If so, how do I do that?

:no: Trust me, any way you bring it down likely won't be very stable or reliable.. much better to have it a little high then start messing with this. If you would like to start with R/O water, that would be your best bet. This removes all the minerals and salts that cause hard, alkaline water.

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