African Chilids With My Stock?

Nov 8, 2010
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hey guys of tff,

i was looking around seeing what could go good with my future stock, then i ran into african chilids, you know, the ones that are yellowish with the black stripes on its back. also (i dont know if they are african or not) i saw some jewel chilids. SOOOO PRETTY!
would these chilids go with this stock below?

1 bgk
1 peacock eel
1 albino bristlenose pleco
1 rtbs

im guessing not, but will these chilids work?
I kept Jewels a long time ago and I have to say they were spiteful. If I remember correctly they murdered everything else in the tank then each other. Approach with caution!
jewels are indeed nasty, i had to remove one that was bulling a green terror that was twice it's size.

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