African Butterfly fish


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Nov 15, 2004
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What food is best for an African Butterfly fish. Firstly my mom has said that there will be no frozen worms in the fridge. THere are some glolite tetras in the tank that he would probly eat but after that then what? I have shrimp pellets, catfish pellets, and flake. I would of bought one the other day but to me it didnt look like a fish that would like flake food. I am pretty sure it will have live food from time to time because everytime i go to my LFS my mom gets a few more neon tetras and they usually last a couple months before being eaten. Would any of these food choices work
firstly most of the foods mentioned don't float so are no good!!

some will takes flakes others wont, my old one ate cichlid gold pellets aswell, all of mine have had freeze dried river shrimp.

my current 2 also take mealworm and i'ved always fed crickets aswell.

they will take down any small fish near the top but you shouldn't get them into habits like this, there naturallu food would be insects from the water surface.
I wouldn't recommend glowlites nor neons :/

Crickets are best if you can get them. Otherwise you are going to have some difficulty to ween them onto prepared and frozen foods.

Phantom Thief said:
I wouldn't recommend glowlites nor neons :/

Crickets are best if you can get them. Otherwise you are going to have some difficulty to ween them onto prepared and frozen foods.

well i wouldnt intentionally feed them Glolites or neons but they are in the tank. I could get crickets but would prefer not to as I dont have anywhere to keep them between feedings

Paul- The shrimp pellets actually do float on the surface if i gently just place them there. I can get freeze dried river shrimp.
Just get a box of smallish crickets about 5-7mm and you will beable to feed aorund 5 at a time i imagine and your other fish will eat them aswell so a box won't last to long.

Fair enough if they eat them but there are better foods.
As paul has said, floating foods are a must. I find the best foods are freeze dried bloodworms, daphnia etc. If they do not take this floating, try some frozen bloodworm using surface tension normally does the trick. Once they are feeding you can normally move them on to flakes and freeze dried foods very quickly. :)
crickets are actually really easy to keep if you get the small ones. buy some of those disposable tupperwares (available at most grocer's) and buy some semi-solid cricket food. get the container with the highest walls available. punch some small holes or slits in the top of the tupperware. add the crickets and one cube of the cricket food. voila!

one jar of the food will last many, many months as each cube will feed for two days or so. i like the orange cubes that look like dried papaya and half-gallon containers. you can keep the container in your stand (don't worry; crickets like the dark.) when the pen gets too disgusting for words, just throw it away!

i never had trouble with any cricket smaller than a half-inch jumping out, but i wouldn't try this with larger ones.
pica_nuttalli said:
crickets are actually really easy to keep if you get the small ones. buy some of those disposable tupperwares (available at most grocer's) and buy some semi-solid cricket food. get the container with the highest walls available. punch some small holes or slits in the top of the tupperware. add the crickets and one cube of the cricket food. voila!

one jar of the food will last many, many months as each cube will feed for two days or so. i like the orange cubes that look like dried papaya and half-gallon containers. you can keep the container in your stand (don't worry; crickets like the dark.) when the pen gets too disgusting for words, just throw it away!

i never had trouble with any cricket smaller than a half-inch jumping out, but i wouldn't try this with larger ones.
Well i dont know if crickets would be a good idea with my Brothers in the house but i can try. Would the shrimp pellets work? they can float using the surface tension. I can also get freeze dried river shrimp

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