African Butterfly Fish (Pantodon buchholzi)


Fish Fanatic
Jun 6, 2004
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north east USA
:( I have learned that the African Butterfly fish is a form of cichild so I thought I could post my question here. I need to know if this fish requires brackish conditions or not. Some of the literature that I have read has said "yes", others, "no". Right now I have him housed in a slighlty acidic environment with some neon tetras. The salinity is moderate. Any advice?
This should really be in the Oddball forum. :)

African Butterfly come from a enviroment which is salt free, they do best in soft and slightly acidic water and need no salt in there water. I am sorry to say however, that those Neon Tetras are in serious danger if they stray to close to the surface as African Butterfly fish have mouth like trap doors, and they will not hesitate to eat a fish such as a Neon which is easy meal in their eyes.

Here is some more info I have wrote on them;
Ryan, thanks for the info. I knew that they eat everything is sight, as well as small fish, but my neons seem to stay toward the bottom of the tank. I have a heavy planting along the surface and the butterfly seems to like it up there, patrolling through the foliage. I have not yet seen him descend to the bottom or middle of the tank, unless he is startled, but this has only happened once. I count my neons everyday, these are the larger variety, so maybe he won't be interested until he gets bigger. I guess I could move them to another tank when that happens. Thanks again! ;)
kitties1 said:
Ryan, thanks for the info. I knew that they eat everything is sight, as well as small fish, but my neons seem to stay toward the bottom of the tank. I have a heavy planting along the surface and the butterfly seems to like it up there, patrolling through the foliage. I have not yet seen him descend to the bottom or middle of the tank, unless he is startled, but this has only happened once. I count my neons everyday, these are the larger variety, so maybe he won't be interested until he gets bigger. I guess I could move them to another tank when that happens. Thanks again! ;)
Ok, I was just warning you incase. :)
kitties1 said:
I have learned that the African Butterfly fish is a form of cichild so I thought I could post my question here.

ryan said:
This should really be in the Oddball forum. :)


Here is some more info I have wrote on them;

Regarding the African Butterfly / Cichlid confusion - that link Ryan posted has been fixed (it referred to ABF as a Cichlid until late yesterday, due to taking the breeding info from the wrong fish), but the page at is still likely to breed this confusion as it lists the ABF as a "African Butterfly Fish Cichlid," which I THINK is a totally different thing (see ... and notice that that page, too screws it up by confusing the Anomalochromis thomasi shown with the floating bony-tongued monster Pantodon buchholzi!) ... there seem to be two totally different fish out there called African Butterfly - one a Cichlid, and one not. The internet info sources available sometimes confuse the two, sometimes even presenting mixed-up info from each fish ... surfers beware!
I think there is an African Butterfly Cichlid, But an African Butterfly fish is an oddball, the only member of its genus.
One website told me the ABF is from South America.
ryan said:
I think there is an African Butterfly Cichlid, But an African Butterfly fish is an oddball, the only member of its genus.
Yeah, I believe the scientific name is Hemichromis thomasi , I had one that died recently :sad:
Oh OH Oh something I know something about lol.

Well nothing that really hasn't been said already. There are in fact two seperate types and similar names. I found when looking for the African butterfly fish ( the oddball) its actually called a West African Butterfly. I owned one and they are the most beautiful freshwater fish available. So feel free to msg me if you have any questions Kitties. That is if it the pantodon buchholzi is what you do own :)

Not that there is anything wrong with the cichild.

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