African Butterfly Fish And Barbs?


New Member
Jul 19, 2008
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We have just bought an African Butterfly fish and were more concerned with what IT would eat or attack in our tank, but just a few hours after putting him in, he appears to be being harassed by our Odessa Barbs. Fin nipping etc.
I thought the Odessa were the more peaceful of barbs, do you think this is a long term issue? As the Butterfly has such beautiful flowing fins, is he in danger of losing them? Or as he's a predator of sorts himself, will he let the barbs know who's boss so that they leave him alone?

If I have to swap the barbs for something that will leave him alone, I will as he's now very quickly become a favourite in the tank. Anyone have any recommendations for nice coloured largish peaceful fish that we can keep with him?

We have a 200 litre 3' tank (aqua one AR980 - 99x46x60cm). We have a BGK, 4 platy (who I know may become Butterfly\BGK food), 4 clown loaches and a bull dog plec, along with the 5 Odessa Barbs.....

From what I have noticed from mine they take a few days to settle in and can be timid at first which may have the the barbs constantly whacking him for those few days and it might be all too for it.

Most Barbs are fin nippers and you need to be careful with whatever you put in there with barbs.
Feeding wise go for floating stuff. You can get freeze dried gammarus that they take and frozen bloodworms they will also take willingly :D
Will keep an eye on them all over the next day or so. If they get too much for him, I guess we'll have to move them out.

Any recommendations for alternative fish to have with our new fellow? We would like some bright coloured (our tank is very dark - granite effect background, black substrate, so white fish would also be classed as bright coloured for us), possibly shoaling (although not necessarily - a nice pair might be just as good), reasonably large at full size (to go with ABF and BGK), mid-tank daytime fish! Phew....

Could we keep angels with these?

Ugly Betty (the butters) is in with a mixture at the moment, she's in with a couple of Discus and some honey Gouramis and 2 Angels, we did keep an eye to her in case the Angels nipped her but nothing in the tank has bothered her.

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