Africa Dwarf Frog


Formerly: Catfish Are Cool
Apr 30, 2006
Reaction score
Cheshire, UK
Hi im thinking of getting an ADF for my betta tank...
its fairly small (3 UK Gallons) and i was just wondering what people oppinions were about keeping a VT Male with an ADF in that size tank...
any oppinions???
thanks, mikey
p.s looking for breeders of quality bettas in the UK. does anyone know of any (other than KG Bettas..)
ADFs prefer to be in groups (from what I've read, no actual experience though), and I think 3 gallons is too small, personally.

Also, this is off-topic, but... I hope you have a much bigger home that will be ready very soon for the two goldfish in your signature. Five gallons is way too small even for one baby goldie. And if the bowl is unfiltered that's way way worse. :/
not 5 US G
its like 22-23 litres..
but i do have another tank that they can go into yes..
5 UK gallons is ~6 US gallons. Basically the same and still way way too small. You're going to need like 5 times that much, plus mega filtration.
Aww Liz you sweetie :blush:

Have just put some males and females on my site CAC :D

click on the link in my sig
5 UK gallons is ~6 US gallons. Basically the same and still way way too small. You're going to need like 5 times that much, plus mega filtration.

I have 3 ADFs in a 5.5g tank, unfiltered. They're fine. The general rule of thumb for ADFs tends to vary from place to place, from 1g per frog to 2g per frog. I like the 2g per frog method myself.

For what it's worth, I never see the frogs interact with each other, unless it's feeding time, then all they do is fight over worms. I've also spoken to other people who have very active frogs, living on their own, in community tanks. The most crucial factor in keeping a happy frog is making sure they're fed.

They're massively cute, and stupid... and blind.

In my experience, they're very active in larger tanks, and the smaller the tanks get, the more sedintary they are. When I had the same 3 frogs in a 10g tank, they were all over the place. After I was forced to move them to a 5.5g, they stopped being as active. They're still extremely active and in my opionion, as happy as a frog can be.

You can probably get away with a single ADF in a 3g, but after that you'll be at your biological max. You'll need to be right on top of water changes, doing at least one 100% change per week, two would be ideal. You'll also need to hand feed the ADF, as bettas will outcompete them for food without even putting any effort into it.

Your betta will enjoy the frozen bloodworms you'll feed your ADF, and their shared diet is part of the niceness of the ADF/betta community.

As far as betta aggression, it varies from betta to betta. All my boys are fine with ADFs, but my girl Uta did try and kill them after 3 months.
ADFs are alot of fun and for the most part easy to care for. Mine were not messy at all. I had three of them in a ten gallon with mollies back in the two and half years ago. The only problem is they are hard to feed. Mine were easy to feed sometimes because they would occasionally go up to the top to eat the bloodworms. But for the most part, they wouldn't and the food didn't have time to sink to the bottom.

So you have to get like chopsticks or something to put the bloodworms down in front of their faces in order for them to actually get fed as much as they need to. At least if you have anything in the tank other than them...which since you said you wanted them with your betta, they would.

But bettas and ADFs go very well together. That is why I got them origionally. I liked the first one so much I got two more and moved them to the 10 gallon with my mollies instead of having one in my betta tank and then two in the 10g.

My ADFs played together alot. They hung out with each other alot too. Just make sure that they have like a cave or something to hide in, they don't like to be out in the open all the time. Also a plant would be good so it doesn't rip the betta's fins. ;)

But yes, one (maybe two, but you'll have to REALLY stay on top of water changes) would be okay in a 3 gallon.
I HAD 4 adf's but 3 died of old age. Have one left. All I do to feed them is rub 1/2 of a frozen bloodworm in the water for it to come apart near the frog and he smells it or something and starts eating. The other fish get some but not enough to take away from the frog, plus it is a treat for the other fish. When they were small I would take tweezers, thaw the bloodworms and feed them seperately to make sure they got enough until they were a little bigger to find the food on their own.
Ok thanks alot, ill go down to the LFS at the weekend, and get myself a friend for my betta.
hes so happy at the moment, hes blown about 5 bubble nests in the last week or so.
gonna go feed him in a bit.
thanks, mikey

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