Afraid I'm gonna lose him....

Sorry for your losses.R.I.P.
I'm really sorry you lost them.

I lost a little guy just like yours several months ago, simply because I didn't take care of him. I hardly cleaned his tank, etc. I also watched him die knowing full well it was my fault, but by the time I figured out that it was because of my ignorance and laziness that he was dying, it was too late.

Hence my crusade now to help anyone, anywhere make their fish better.

So... on to your questions - Aquatic Specialties is a pretty small store, but it's a great store - they have all sorts of cool fish and they will order you just about anything. They really know what they're talking about in there, i like them a lot.

I go wander around in Pet World quite a bit, when I need a new tank heater or something on that order. They have really nice fish, too, and the staff seem like they know what they're doing. AND I rarely ever see any dead fish in their tanks.

Hmm - i'm not sure what the name of the place is that's on the east side... if you think of it, do let me know - i wanna go there.

Again, sorry for your losses. I know it's hard :(
It was Animart, actually. I had to go to the phone book to remember the name.....must be having a bad day today! :rolleyes:

I loved going through the fish section there...I remember seeing this HUGE pictus in one of the wasn't for sale, was just there. But this thing was MASSIVE! Can't tell I really like pictus catfish, can ya?

Anyway, now that I've mentioned the name, I'm sure you've probably been there. I may head over to Pet World this week just to browse.....

It's on High Crossing Blvd I believe. It's in the East Towne Mall area. I haven't been there in quite some time, but when I checked it out, I was quite impressed with the store! Can be a little cramped when there's a lot of customers...but a really nice store!

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