
Was the filter out of the water for long or did you strip the filter down too?
Sorry for all the questions but it will help us to help you.
erm yer a day or 2.. was it a bad idea using it or something?
and dont worry about the questions i dont mind i just want some help lol
no its a great idea, but the bacteria would have died from 2 days with no food
ok so what do i have to do.. i havent put no ammonia or anything in it.. the ammoia is at 0.15ppm and nitrite is 0ppm and nitrate is 10 i think?
Some people use ammonia and some don't. I tend to put a pinch of flake food into my tank every couple of days to help with the cycle, so you could try using that method if ammonia is unavailable.
Some people use ammonia and some don't. I tend to put a pinch of flake food into my tank every couple of days to help with the cycle, so you could try using that method if ammonia is unavailable.

i read that on a site yesterday so i did it but wasnt sure weather thats right becaue not many people are talking about it.. how often should i put a pinch in? and is this a slower way of cycling the tank than using ammonia?

btw thank you very much for all yor help and time.. :good:
your tank seems to be about 22" long, 12" wide and 11 high- I am from america and I gotta convert all the metric to american! Your tank I am guessing is 10 gallons? Then you would want around ten inches of fish (around 25cm). 4 two inch corydoras catfish, (bronze cories are hardy) and a school of some tetras, maybe neons, glowlights, or lemons. The school may consist of about 5-6. Get the cories first, then wait about a week, and get the tetras. You may want some shrimp. Cherry or amano are good choices.
To be honest Ryan, I don't know if it's slower than using ammonia or not. I've only ever used this method and my tanks have cycled within a couple of weeks or so. I usually put a pinch of food in every two days.
To be honest Ryan, I don't know if it's slower than using ammonia or not. I've only ever used this method and my tanks have cycled within a couple of weeks or so. I usually put a pinch of food in every two days.

ok well i will do the pinchof food method and see how get on, how often should i test for ammonia etc..?
add food every time your ammonia goes back down to 0, when your ammonia and nitrite got to 0 fairly fast, your cycled

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