

Fish Fanatic
Oct 6, 2007
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i have just set up my tank and it is currently cycling, i wanted to know what sorts of fish you would recomend in just a community tank, looking for something cool and colourful.
1st im goin to get some guppies as i no they are hardy fish and are recomended to put in your tank 1st, and i want to breed them.

then i want to get a pleco and some catfish because i really like them, could you recomend some good ones and some other fish that i could get?

my tank is 58cm long 30cm high and 35cm back so not to big..

any suggestions or advice wanted :good:
Guppies aren't hardy fish at all I'm afraid, so you would be best leaving getting any for a while.
Hardy fish include Platies, Mollies and Danios to name a few.
Plecos and catfish prefer a more mature tank, so I'd wait another few weeks at least before adding any.
A Bristlenose Pleco and some corys sound good. Colour, for some tetra perhaps?

I have a tank the same as yours and when I redo it my stocking will be:

6 Silver Tip Tetra
6 Corys (Not sure on type will choose on the day)
2 Pearl Gouramis
you need to completely cycle that tank first, then you wont have to choose fish because they are hardy or not.well it sounds to me like he wants to get guppies because they are hardy and will cycle his tank
A Bristlenose Pleco and some corys sound good. Colour, for some tetra perhaps?I have a tank the same as yours and when I redo it my stocking will be:6 Silver Tip Tetra6 Corys (Not sure on type will choose on the day)2 Pearl Gouramis
i think i used 2 have corys, not sure though!
you need to completely cycle that tank first, then you wont have to choose fish because they are hardy or not.well it sounds to me like he wants to get guppies because they are hardy and will cycle his tank
ohh noo the people in the shops said to get a hardy fish 1st..?
Your tank will take about two weeks to cycle and then you are best adding a hardy fish like the ones I mentioned.
After about two weeks of your tank being set up, take a water sample to your lfs and have them test it to make sure that it has completed it's cycle. :good:
Yes but there unlikely to know about fishless cycling :) or atleast dont promote it! If you cycle it propperly you can virtually fully stock your tank upon completion :) good luck!
Your tank will take about two weeks to cycle and then you are best adding a hardy fish like the ones I mentioned.
After about two weeks of your tank being set up, take a water sample to your lfs and have them test it to make sure that it has completed it's cycle. :good:

that is misleading if he doesn't know about cycling. when i first started i asked on here and everyone told me it would take 4 weeks, so i just added water and let it sit for 4 weeks. so it didn't cycle.
if you don't know about cycling read the topic i gave you. if you don't cycle your tank and just add fish, they will be harmed or may even die.
Your tank will take about two weeks to cycle and then you are best adding a hardy fish like the ones I mentioned.
After about two weeks of your tank being set up, take a water sample to your lfs and have them test it to make sure that it has completed it's cycle. :good:
okay many thnks for yout help

now does anyone else have any suggestions for fish i should get? ;)
Not misleading at all as you are assuming he knows nothing about cycling. He may well know about cycling the tank as he mentioned in the thread earlier but is unsure about what hardy fish can be added once the tank is ready.
Lets ask shall we?!
Ryan, have you read about cycling your tank? ;)
Not misleading at all as you are assuming he knows nothing about cycling. He may well know about cycling the tank as he mentioned in the thread earlier but is unsure about what hardy fish can be added once the tank is ready.
Lets ask shall we?!
Ryan, have you read about cycling your tank? ;)

yeah ive read loads about it but im rather confused because people in the shops say just leave it and wait a few weeks and go back 2 them and get it tested and they will say if its ready 2 out some 'HARDY' fish in but people on here and other internet sites are saying use 100% ammonia etc..
at the moment i have used filter media frm my tank before and used gravel which has the bacteria i need in it right?
but tbh im rather confused and dont really have a clue what im talking about..!?? hellppp? lol :S
When you say you have used filter media from your tank, is this from another tank that is already set up?

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