Advice Wanted On My Tank Setup


New Member
Jul 11, 2006
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Hi Everyone!

Am fairly new to tropical fish, having recently made the change from coldwater.
Have had my tropical tank setup for about 3/4 months now, am doing regular water quality checks and don't seem to have any probs there but my guppies are not breeding...
I have the following in my 24"x12"x15" tank:

1 siamese fighter
3 zebra danios
5 neon tetras
2 julii corydoras
4 shrimp
3 male guppies
7 female guppies
lots of red snails

also have noticed that the male guppies seem to have been nipped on the tail am thinking possibly by the siamese fighter or my zebra danios as they seem quite agressive.
am thinking of setting up another small tank (15litre) just for the siamese fighter and the 3 zebra's can anyone give advice on this please???
also have heard that clown loaches might help with my snail problem... so was thinking of getting a pair of them...

I will be grateful for any help/tips...
Many Thanks!
First of all dont get clown loached teh get 12". I dealy the zebra danios should be in groups 6+ and the julii corydoras could probably do with another 1 or 2 in their group. The siamese fighter is best kept alone and will be ok in a 15l alone but do not put both the siamese fighter and the zebra danios in there.
we wanted a siamese fighter in our community tank , but was advised by loads of people that they need to be on their own really , or they will just kill the other fish in the tank :(
we wanted a siamese fighter in our community tank , but was advised by loads of people that they need to be on their own really , or they will just kill the other fish in the tank :(

yeah, there are some fish you can keep with a fighter, but not that many, there's a good pinned post in the betta's section about it i think. I'd put the betta into the 15g with your cory's and add a couple more as they prefer to be in groups.
Firstly you shouldnt have a Siamese fighter with guppies, male ones mainly to be precise. This is due to the guppies ahving colourful flaring tails and the siamese fighter getting intimidated by it and attacking them. A very possible outcome. Zebra danios are fine in groups of 4 but deffinitely no les.

Clown Loaches are a no no unless you have a very big tank that can support a group, ideally five or so.

Try getting yo-yo loaches, much smaller and still get the job done ok.

You can leave a piece of lettuce in your tank and the next day pick it up with all the snails on it and squish the little ba%*^"*s
Many Thanks!

I am now in the process of setting up my smaller tank and will just have the siamese fighter in there for a bit.
Have managed to give 1 of my snails away so only about another 150 to go!!!

I may end up taking over my husbands tank and having one just for the guppies.

Will keep you updated!


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