I have the medications for dropsy, and I know how to treat it. But a lot of what I am reading is pretty discouraging and it sounds almost incurable. I think I caught it very very early, so I am hopeful. I just feel bad for the poor little guy. He's a really good fish and was my very first betta.
The puffer is in her own 5 gallon tank. She has a nice cave in each corner of her tank as well as a ton of live stem plants. Lots of cover. I've only had her for a little over a week (tank is completely cycled, water parameters test pristine). The first few days, things were great and she was eating fine. But then she wouldn't eat this weekend. I don't have any live food yet, but she had been eating frozen bloodworms, blackworms, brine shrimp and also pond snails (my large tank has quite the pond snail population). The only live foods I've been able to find are the pond snails as well as some cherry shrimp fry. She didn't eat Friday or Saturday. I started treating her for internal parasites because I know puffers can be prone to them. I managed to get her to eat some bloodworms soaked in garlic and General Cure on Sunday night and then again last night. I think she's doing better. She had a nice fat little belly from eating last night, but folks on the puffer forum are saying she still looks pretty skinny. I hope to be getting some live blackworms soon, and that little cone feeder is awesome! I have never seen that before - thank you very much!
It did take me literally 40 minutes of shoving the pipette in her face to get her to eat last night (I know she's a he, but now I'm stuck calling him her), but at least she ate. Got some meds and some garlic and good food into her at least.
The puffer is in her own 5 gallon tank. She has a nice cave in each corner of her tank as well as a ton of live stem plants. Lots of cover. I've only had her for a little over a week (tank is completely cycled, water parameters test pristine). The first few days, things were great and she was eating fine. But then she wouldn't eat this weekend. I don't have any live food yet, but she had been eating frozen bloodworms, blackworms, brine shrimp and also pond snails (my large tank has quite the pond snail population). The only live foods I've been able to find are the pond snails as well as some cherry shrimp fry. She didn't eat Friday or Saturday. I started treating her for internal parasites because I know puffers can be prone to them. I managed to get her to eat some bloodworms soaked in garlic and General Cure on Sunday night and then again last night. I think she's doing better. She had a nice fat little belly from eating last night, but folks on the puffer forum are saying she still looks pretty skinny. I hope to be getting some live blackworms soon, and that little cone feeder is awesome! I have never seen that before - thank you very much!

It did take me literally 40 minutes of shoving the pipette in her face to get her to eat last night (I know she's a he, but now I'm stuck calling him her), but at least she ate. Got some meds and some garlic and good food into her at least.