Advice Plz

Thing is as explained, i was all set to post this week, but due to unforseen circumstances, this all went very wrong, and again, the 1st chap is happy to wait as he fully understands my situation

where as the 2nd person has now claimed to of not had any of my emails, good job i have all the copies

if i had known that my days off were being screwed up, i would not have listed the girls on ebay

and bronze, i appreciate what ur saying, totally, but remz clearly stated that I was negligable, not that the seller would see it this way, so yes in theory he did have a go by calling me negligable

those who know me, know this is not how i am, and if i say ill send something on a set day then i will, netty, ibble, shell and pixies can all vouch for that

i just cannot help my situation, and ive done my very best, ive even left my number for them to call me if theres a problem, which they havent bothered to call me

i just feel somewhat... erm whats the word... let down by one response, and yes it has pissed me off if im honest, and the fact ppl KEEP telling me theyd be pissed too, how about put the shoe on the other foot, im working 2 frikkin weeks with NO day off, and im getting it in the ear, maybe i should tell my colleages partner off for having her baby early, sheesh!

also i might mention i cannot post on my lunch break, this requires taking my motorbike as its some distance, which means i wont have time to do it, and i have no1 who can post for me, believe me ive brainstormed all possibilities
If iwas the buyer i would rather wait two week for the fish to be sent safely, than someone package up the fish the night b4, take it to worrk and post it in thier luch break!!!!!!!! I would NEVER buy from someone who did this! The thing is this person has been a pain from b4 they won the fish. Unfortunalty you run this risk when selling on ebay. But if i were to sell a fish on there i would say protetual buys must contact me to disscus how they intend to keep the fish b4 bidding. If it were me because of the fact they really seem to have no intenton of caring well for these fish, i would refuse to sell to them And them being rude to you now just adds to the reaons i would not post them to the person! I know maybe some of you will say you can`t do that, but i would! And phoe is not selling fish regularly, so why can`t she?
This is exactly what i would do....
Email the person tell them you are very sorry that due to unforseen cicumstances you have no way of getting the fish safly to them and after all i am sure they would rether receve live fish rather than a dead one, You understand this is a hinderance to them and because of this you are happy to refund all their money.
Also if leave leaving feed back and tell them if they don`t want to leave good feedback then please don`t leave any for you and you will do the same for them

See what happens.

You could always lie tell them the fish both died and refund the money?? :grr:

You could always lie tell them the fish both died and refund the money?? :grr:

I was about to suggest the same lol! Your issue with posting aside, you have had bad vibes about these people and how they will look after your fish so maybe its for the best. :good:
well they think they can keep males together, so yeah numpty! lol
I dont think anyone has had a go at Phoe :/
i know that people were just trying to help, and no one has specifically had a go at her, but i can understand how she feels, people were seeming quite disapproving. which again is probably not intentional, simply the difficulty of trying to get your point across in writing. but its still upsetting when you are trying your best and something unexpected has thrown everything sideways.
and i also just wanted to point out that i had been in that sort of situation, and that there are better ways to deal with it than demanding things and kicking off (from the buyer, not trying to offend anyone on here)
totally agree with what uve just said, it was the whole dissaproving vibes i got from ppl, when im really trying to resolve this issue
You cannot send any livestock without arranging a delivery day so that the new owner can be in to sign for the LIVE item.

For these people not to respond to your emails is disgusting - It is their responsibility to ensure they will be in on that certain day and therefore must arrange this with you in advance - I would send one last email saying that if they do not respond with instructions within 48 hours you will refund their money in full.

With regards to selling on ebay have you tried requesting their contact details so that you can call them? You never know they may just be a n00b with their emails!!!

Good luck either way, sounds like you will need it :good:
i need all the luck today, ive flooded my floor with my external filter, my insurance certificate still hasnt arrived so thats peed me off, and my other half has only just contacted me, since i last heard from him at 4pm, so yeah having a crap eve lol

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