I used to be an avid hobbyist and had a really well established 55g Amazon themed tank. Unfortunately, I had to move states and went from owning to renting and could not bring my tank. It's been about 6-7 years and I recently decided to slowly get back into things with a tiny 5-gallon custom made tank.
Tank is set up and doing well and I'd like some advice on stocking. Current inhabitants are 4 neon tetra and 4 red cherry shrimp. I've got some low light plants (mostly java fern relatives) and a few moss balls on the bottom that the shrimp graze.
My questions:
1. Can I fit more fish? I was planning on staying around 5 ~1" fish but I will admit the tetra are smaller than I remember (I used to have a nice school of cardinals in my old tank) and I was surprised how hard it is to even see them sometimes (They hang out in the plants a lot). I was thinking of adding either a drawf gourami OR ~2 serpae tetra. Too much? Anything else you'd recommend?
2. How many more shrimp can I add? I've read that red cherry shrimp have almost a net zero bioload and that people keep a ton in relatively small tanks. Is this true? They're too expensive for me to really stock up on but if I could get up to 10 I think it would add a lot of movement (I sometimes have trouble finding the 4 with all the hiding spots)
Tank is set up and doing well and I'd like some advice on stocking. Current inhabitants are 4 neon tetra and 4 red cherry shrimp. I've got some low light plants (mostly java fern relatives) and a few moss balls on the bottom that the shrimp graze.
My questions:
1. Can I fit more fish? I was planning on staying around 5 ~1" fish but I will admit the tetra are smaller than I remember (I used to have a nice school of cardinals in my old tank) and I was surprised how hard it is to even see them sometimes (They hang out in the plants a lot). I was thinking of adding either a drawf gourami OR ~2 serpae tetra. Too much? Anything else you'd recommend?
2. How many more shrimp can I add? I've read that red cherry shrimp have almost a net zero bioload and that people keep a ton in relatively small tanks. Is this true? They're too expensive for me to really stock up on but if I could get up to 10 I think it would add a lot of movement (I sometimes have trouble finding the 4 with all the hiding spots)