Fish Aficionado
Thats a good idea... but if I was to turn my big tank into marine, I'd ideally want to keep some of my FW fish in my 100! But.. if the 100 tank is an ok size to use a sump I could always get something else that size. I'll cross the making of it when the time comes, hopefully someone here will be able to guide me through it in a bit more detail when the time comes! I've been convinced now that marine is the way to go... so I'll start searching for the things you've suggested and gather them up one by one each time I have some spare cash!
Altho before I start making a sump, I have to make a cabinet! at the moment my tank is only about 4 inches off the floor, so no room for a sump there yet! Luckily I have left over metal from when i made the stand its on, so can easily lengthen the legs and make room for for a nice big sump. I've noticed the starting a marine tank guide says a plastic tub for a sump, since you've mentioned using my other tank... in your opinion would I be best off getting another tank for a sump, or a hefty plastic tub of some kind?
a galss tank is easier to section up i think but which ever is cheaper. You can get fish holding vats in loads of different sizes one of them could make a nice sump.