Advice On Small Dogs

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Fish Crazy
Nov 26, 2004
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Maidstone, Kent, UK
HI there,

was wondering if anyone had any experience with Boston Terriers, i am home from travelling in a month and getting a small dog which can stay with me all of the time but everywhere i look the size with Bostons seems to range alot...and pref i want it to be small enough to carry easily..

any suggestions on other small dogs welcome !
you should look into temperaments, not just sizes. a lot of small dogs are under the impression that they're big dogs and don't take well to being carried everywhere in a purse. yorkies and other small terriers are notorious for this, especially while older puppies and young adults.

what might suit your interests best would be to visit around at your local rescue centers to see what small adult dogs they have. with an adult dog, size and willingness to sit calmly are pretty well already established. there's less risk of getting a puppy that never grows out of being hyperactive and is secretly the love-child of a labrador retriever. :lol:

all that being said, the cavalier spaniel puppies that I've seen in public are generally very well-behaved and aren't trying to roam everywhere looking for something interesting to chase/eat/kill/roll around in. chihuahuas are traditionally favored by the dog-purse women (for whatever that's worth) and pomeranians tend to be pretty calm as adults. i'd avoid terriers and herding dogs such as Shelties if i were you.

can i get some opinions from people with more specific opinions?
Sorry yes i have looked int temperments also, we used to have a chihuahua and we want something a little more active, it will be with me but i work from home alot so will have 3 acres to run in so being active is not a prob, also i live on my parents land and they have a lab x so it would have t be comfortable with bigger dogs... my brother has a chuihuahua and it is ok but too yappy around the big dogs.

I would rescue but tried before and my elderly German Shep does not tolerate older dogs as well, we tried to rescue a great dane because i worked in a rescue and he had been there for 3 months and having the time and space (plus i loved him) but he fought with my german shep and having to take him back was one of the worst days of my life could not handle that again !

PLus my nephew is 8 and i could not risk a dog with temperment issues (i was badly bitten) even though i know rescues are 99% of the time scared or insecure i could not risk it !

As for chiuhuahuas being women dog purse dogs my bro would not be pleased to hear that - his is a 6ft skinhead and ditched evil woman after evil woman for a nice long haired chuihuahua called Milo (now his pride and joy) they look hilarious together HA HA HA

Dont mind a dog never growing out of being a puppy either lol.. pomeranians are sweet - do they shed alot?
saying all that just found an epileptic pug on many tears rescue who looks incredibly cute and meds cost would not be a prob!!!
Dont mind a dog never growing out of being a puppy either lol.. pomeranians are sweet - do they shed alot?

They don't shed anymore than other dogs, just the hair is different consistancy. You do have to brush them though. Dogs have a lot more hair than bitches, which makes them harder to groom. I groom both my poms on my own, so it's not that hard. Cici, the female, actually requires very little grooming. They are super-sweet dogs, but they are headstrong and need a firm, but gentle hand in training. They are actually very effective guard dogs and are mildly possessive of their owners. My two poms are also outside the breed standard, weighing about 7.5 (female) and 9lbs (male). They are trim and athletic, but I made a conscience decision not to get a smaller dog and specifically, especially with Cici, looked for a breeder who was breeding slightly larger than the standard. I'm not a fan of the very small dogs, I think there are too many potential health problems. Charlie was a rescue and was obese when we first got him. He is now much thinner and a completely different dog.

Never buy a dog, or any pet for that matter, on impulse. Always give it a while before you act. It may pull on your heartstrings, but it is much better if you take the time to think things through and research first, especially if it's a dog with special needs or if you already have a dog that is elderly.

buy a boston!!! i have been doing some research on these as we were thinking of getting one, so i can take it with me in my truck! my boxer is to big to lift in & out! there fantastic dogs, a show friend of mine has a few, we see them at shows regular, as for the size check out the breed standard, they should be a certain size, make sure you buy from a reputable dealer, visit a couple of dog shows & check them out there, buy a good one, watch out for faults these can be
Eyes blue in color or any trace of blue.
Dudley nose.
Docked tail.
Solid black, solid brindle, or solid seal without required white markings.
Gray or liver colors.
Wry mouth.
Size of ears out of proportion to the size of the head
Serious Head Faults: Any showing of the tongue or teeth when the mouth is closed.
Roach back, sway back, slab-sided
the list goes on!!! The Boston Terrier is a friendly and lively dog. The breed has an excellent disposition and a high degree of intelligence, which makes the Boston Terrier an incomparable companion. ( thats from the American kennel club)
good luck & let me know if you do get one, you might have to travel to find the right pup though, i got my 1st boxer from richmond & my last is from wales!! i live in Newcastle! worth the trouble though as he just oozzzes quality!! good luck!
llj, i appreciate the problemswith rescues hence have pretty much ruled itout, i am still in argentina and not home till end of next month but i have been planning a dog since before i left (last june) my condition with my boyfriend was i could have a dog when we got home ha ha...

My mum suggested poms, def one to think about...but i really havemy heart set on Bostons but just want to be definately sure...

i had been on the same site venom, yeah i have been emailing a breeder in Merseyside i think it is and have ordered a doggy mag for 6months to track one down, they just seem such a nice little dog also have booked tickets to wag and bone show which my mum thinks i should wait to go to before getting one so i can see more breeds but if one comes up i think i will snap it up ha ha...

cantfind anybody with one except the breeder i have been in contact with, though i saw one with a guy in themarket in Buenos Aires- it was 3 months and just GORGEOUS !!!

Graham, how trainable are Mini dachshunds, cause i live on my parents land it will have free run into their house as well so i promised to train it to level silver or whatever thing she does with their dog! (i agree as we have a badly trained rhidgeback who was a little sod !) also do they get back problems because they are so long??
Not sure about Bostons but my Poodle is like that. She is easily handled. I can turn her on the floor on her back.silly thing. But I prefer big dogs. Rescue one because I rescued mine and she turns out great! Plus there is a small dog in the shelter waiting for someone to come get it:)
thing is with any rescue dog you don't know the background, you gotta be careful especially if you have kids, if you buy from a breeder & show person you know the nature of the dog is going to be good and there pretty much going to be near the breed standard (there reputation is on the line here!!) you can also ask to see there parents & check them out, breeder in Liverpool you are on about, is it wildax? if so her boxers were second to none in the ring & Margaret is a reputable breeder of boxers & Bostons ( she was interviewed on tv at crufts this year Bostons running all over!!) thing is theres prob a waiting list! good luck anyway
the wag & bone show, is that just for pets?? think its on a exemption level so the chances of you seeing a pedigree dog there might be slim, think its a pet show xbreeds etc.. save your cash & go to a kc championship dog show where all the breeds will be on display & you can have a chat with breeders rather than pet owners!
Graham, how trainable are Mini dachshunds, cause i live on my parents land it will have free run into their house as well so i promised to train it to level silver or whatever thing she does with their dog! (i agree as we have a badly trained rhidgeback who was a little sod !) also do they get back problems because they are so long??

I have not really had a problem with any of mine but they spend a lot of time outside with me and the other animals .So sleep most of the time when they are in the house.Our youngest is 15 weeks old and she barks to be let out if she needs to go.
They all mix with all of the other animals as i have introduced them from tiny pups.Its funny to see a dachshund ducking down to squeeze under a flock of hens to get past them.They play with the cats and with the goats.
I never have our lot on the lead when they are on our land and they all stay with me.They travel great just curling up and going to sleep or sit looking out of the window and i often do a 200+ mile round trip with them in the car

Forgot to say as long as you dont let a dachshund get fat you shouldnt have back problems.I used to do mini agility with one of mine for 5 years and she loved it.
Graham PLEASE PLEASE post a vid of your dog and the hens ha ha ... would love to see that, my chicken who is a polish bullies my burmese cat its hilarious (not sure how she will react to a puppy but she loes my parents dog and he is huge, rolls onto her belly when he walks up to her !!)

Venom i largely agree about rescues, i will however have a look at the loal ones as you never know but unless it was 6 months or less i could not really risk it with my dog and my nephew plus when we had to return the dane we tried to rescue i did not get out of bed for 3 days and was a very very unhappy bunny for a while really could not handle it again..

plus the puppy phase is so lovely and being my first dog with my boyfriend i really want to have that really young stage as he has not lived with a puppy for 22 years also...

I tried to mail wildax but it kept getting bounced back but i will be in a better position to contact people when back in the uk ! The other lady has a litter due next friday and if there are enough i am on the list so fingers crossed, she is on of the 3 with wildax listed on kennel club website!

Wag and Bone is just dogs and i think breeders and stuff go not sure, where are the kc shows and when ??

thanks for everyones replies, my whole family is fed up of me talking about it and reading dog breed books all of the time ha ha ha..

We are in Salta in Argentina and just looked in a pet shop, its so sad there is a boxer pup in there for sale so cute but bit sad the cage he is in and they have some small brown pups cant be more than 5 weeks old.. wish i could take them home !! :unsure:
A lot of people think rescue dogs are problem dogs but it's simply not always the case. The majority of dogs in rescue have no problems whatsoever. I think saying dogs from a breeder are always perfect is a little misleading also - as the majority of breeders that advertise are backyard breeders who wouldn't know good temperament and health if it bit them on the bum. A dog from a reputable and responsible breeder will have most chance of being of sound temperament - I totally agree with that.

But what about pups in rescue? They're just as much a blank canvas as non-rescue dogs in most cases. And then there's hand ins - dogs whose owners have had to sadly give them up due to personal problems, where the dog is well trained and a wonderful companion who's been very much loved and well cared for.

So saying rescue dogs are all unknowns and not worth risking with kids and other dogs is terribly OTT and a complete myth. Yes - many rescue dogs will have problems, some small (housetraining perhaps), some bigger - but there are ways of finding your perfect companion through rescue. Always go to a rescue who match a dog to your needs, instead of allowing you to pick whatever you want. Preferably one where they use foster homes so know how the dogs behave with kids/cats/other dogs. And only a rescue who will give you back up should there be any problems - whether that's with advice or help training, or by taking the dog back should any bigger issues come about.

At the end of the day no dog is going to be 100% perfect. Even the healthiest well bred dogs from good breeders have been known to have behavioural/health issues - and 90% of a dog's make up is how they are raised from there on. If you have the time and the space, and aren't just expecting a dog to come to you ready made and perfect - then why not a rescue? If there's no real reason why not to - why rule it out? ;)

I would however be worried about homing a small breed with a GSD that's been known to fight with other dogs in the past. The boston terrier might not be as lucky as the Great Dane was, even if the GSD didn't instigate it - it could do serious damage to a small breed if it took a disliking to it (you've said yourself he'll only accept small dogs - which to me leads me to think it was him starting the problems with the Dane?).

At the end of the day - if your GSD doesn't like other dogs, what's to say he'll know the difference between a rescue and a dog from a breeder? I think you probably need to think a bit more about the possible consequences. We've been where you are - we tried a couple of dogs with Sky in the past - she seemed to bond very well with Badger, and lived happily with him for 2 years, then one day couldn't cope with his bounciness any more - and snapped out at him. We had to rehome him, as you did your Great dane. Do you really want that to happen again? :unsure:
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