Advice On Fluval Roma 240 Tank Please.


New Member
Apr 30, 2008
Reaction score
York, UK.
Hi there,

I'm new to the forums although I have kept fish for the past 7 years. I have just bought a Fluval Roma 240 and I need some advice on the tank please?

At the base of the tank there is a strong plastic ridge all around the outside of the tank which keeps the tank base above the stand. Is there anyone out there with a Roma or knowledge of them that can tell me if I need to put some polystyrene on the base of the tank to stop it from breaking?

Thanks in advance Kev.
If you've brought the Roma cabinet, then you don't need any polystyrene. :good:
If you've brought the Roma cabinet, then you don't need any polystyrene. :good:

Yeah I bought the full setup for nice little sum of £330 (External filter n all) today and the it has the Roma cabinet. Thanks for the advice. :good:
No problem. That's a nice size tank and the Fluvals are good little set ups.
What are you thinking of keeping?
No problem. That's a nice size tank and the Fluvals are good little set ups.
What are you thinking of keeping?

So far in the last 7 years I have done the following:
Tropical - Various Fish (Angels, guppies, tetras, sharks, etc...) and invertebrates (Frogs and Freshwater Crabs)
Tropical - Cichlids For the last year.

I am hoping to maybe setup a Discus tank but I live in a hard water area and it could be as much work as a marine setup. So i might go for a Oscar style tank with larger fish. Or I might just go looking at fish and create a planted aquarium with a good deal of cardinals plus other like minded fish.

Alot of friends who keep fish too and are all Marine keepers with very lovely tanks think its time for me to go in that direction but i do think tropical tanks have alot to offer as well.

There's too many choices!!!!
Discus tanks look beautiful, as do planted tanks and marine tanks. Too many fish to choose from and not enough tanks!
Wis I could help you decide but I'm a nightmare myself. Got 7 tanks and still want more!
Good luck with whatever you decide and keep us posted on the final outcome. ;)

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