Advice Needed


New Member
May 9, 2004
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hi i have a akward problem hope someone can help me out.

iv recently moved from my house which had solid flooring into a second floor flat and i want to brig my 4x2x2 with me but its not a newly built flat so it has wooden boards.

the floor hasnt had a weight test so i would like to know how safe this is?
i mean the floor creeks under your feet but the way i see it a bath full of water is ok wont my tank be ok?

thankyou in advace.

Ask a structural engineer to physcially look at your house.

Your question is impossible for anyone here to really answer!

Ask a structural engineer to physcially look at your house.

Your question is impossible for anyone here to really answer!


yes thats what i thought thankyou verymuch for the reply guess im going to forget it for the time being it would cost more to get someone out than it would for the tank lol.

thankyou again
I had the same problem when deciding to move my tank upstairs in our timber framed house. I, like you thought about the bath theory. Difference being, a bath is filled then emptied whereas an aquarium is a continuous weight so sagging has to be concidered. I made sure my 155ltre was equally positioned accross 3 joists. I must admit though, I did chicken out of going any larger! Remember, it's unlikely that a tank will go crashing through the floor cartoon style unless you go really mad but thats not to say that over a period of time there may be signs of sagging. If in real doubt you do need to consult a professional. :thumbs:
Why not find someone with a "Stud finder' (or buy one yourself) and check the floor to see which way the floor joists run and how far apart they're spaced? If they're close enough together and you can get the tank's length perpendicular to the floor joists, you've got a shot.

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