Advice Needed On What To Add?


Fish Herder
Jul 8, 2005
Reaction score
cornwall uk
hi,i have a jewel rio 240 with the original internal filter and a eheim pro 11 2028 external.

plenty of plants and large pieces of bogwood.

fish are

8 x very large congo tetras
16 x black neons
7 x cardinals
2 x baby bristlenose
7 x assorted corys

i would like to swap the congos for some other fish at my local fish shop.anyone got any ideas on what to add????

thanks in advance
What sort of fish are you looking to add? Middle, top, bottom, small large medium?

Perhaps a pair of dwarf cichlid. Bolivian Rams are quite hardy and a nice addition.
im open to any suggestions really

id like a total stock list really ie 3 of this 6 of that etc

ive kept most fish in the past so im reasonally experienced.only fish i dont want are rainbows as i had lots in the past and would like a change and i dont really like gouramis
really looking for a group of fish ie 12 emporer tetras,or,some thing different and interesting that wont hide away all the time.
any more suggestions keep them coming im going to my local fish on sat morning
Rummynose are a good suggestion, especially since you are looking for an active fish. Rams or apistos would go well with what you have. Your tank is large enough for a pair of Keyholes should you be fortunate enough to come across them. Sounds like an established tank and since it's planted you might try ottos to keep the South American theme. They don't look like much but are a very different and entertaining little fish, kinda like tadpoles.
how does this sound

7 x cardinals
16 x black neons
7 x assorted corys
2 x baby bristlenose

then add 12 rummynose and maybe something else if you think i have room

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