Advice needed about Angel Fish

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If the angelfish are killing the fish in his tank then theres a good chance that they will kill the fish in your tank, enless the change of enviroment will make him less aggresive but I doubt it.
Hopefully it will be ok as it will be in a bigger tank mine is 125l while i think the tank it is in now is quite small around 40l and full of fish and fry. Like abstract said all i can do is try maybe it will be more placid in a bigger tank. Fingers crossed
I guess that is probably true because 2 angels are always together and the small one is always alone. Should I get another you think or subtract one. I dont understand the angel vs neon thing though Heres a quote from a tropical fish book I bought-"It is best to keep these placid fish(angels) with other even-tempered fish such as neon tetras, congo tetras, and black mollies. Do not put them with fin nippers." that is out of a owners guide to tropical fish by Barron's. can it go either way?

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